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spread sheets


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i promised my wife i would try to have more fun salmon fishing and not try to make it a competition with everyone on the lake or the dock.....but as i think about it...i like to compete with it..it drives me to try harder and do better...and im sure its that why with a lot of us...thats part of what makes fishing fun...that being said i would like to track my fishing better...maybe we could combine some spread sheets....you know something with lure and wind and weather an time of year and so on...:)cuz i know im not the only one who wants to or already does this

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I've done just that for Walleye fishing on Muskegon lake since 11/20/00

I've logged 73 trips. It dose help, but salmon fishing seams quite a bit easier and not so precise. I thought of doing it just so I could give better reports, but then I snap open a frosty one and forget all about it.

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I know guys who keep a fishing Log book just to make a few notes here and there and I think they are nuts. They have become so competitave they take all the fun and relaxation out of fishing becuase they have to catch more fish thatn the other guys at the cleaning station in order to be happy..... Its a real shame cause we are in fishing heaven surrounded by the great lakes. A spreadsheet??:o If that is your idea of fun you need to spend a little time on my boat...:eek::eek: Take the time you spend making spreadsheets and fish!! The more time on the lake the more fish you will catch, its as simple as that.

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I didnt mean it like that at all.... I just see and hear it on the radio and at the cleaning stations. People yelling at each other on the radio cause they wanted to run a certain track and someone is squeezing too close trying to catch their fish then go get all worked up about who catches the most fish at the cleaning station. Then on the day that they do catch more than the next guy they wont share how they got em like its some secret that only the "click" would understand. I have seen best friends fight cause one knocked the others fish off with the net. I have fished right next to guys using the same lure, the same speed, the same depth,same everything and watched him pull in 10 more fish than me. The next day it would be just the opposite. How would a spreadsheet help that? Its fishing!! Dont need collect every piece of data u can capture and overanalyze it cause on most days it just doesnt matter. Just wish this world would relax for a minute and not try to compete over everything. I apologize that you were the one I vented that on a little. Didnt mean it to be personal....

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a spread sheet would help in the fact that i can look back on it and see what i fished for certain conditions at different times of the year..that is gonna help me make better choices in my lures by seeing something i didnt remember that had success the last time i was out in those conditions..it also helps from year to year...to a point to get you back where you were on fish before....not to mention the fact i can give more detailed reports on this website that way so that im not the guy being accused of catching fish and not sharing where he got them or what he used...dont assume im like one of youre friends or the people youve seen...anyone who knows me knows i will give any info they want

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hey don , i did this a few years back, my wife picked up a fishing log at gander mt. for like 5 or 6 dollers as a stocking stuffer at x-mas time

it has all the things in it like time of day , date , weather wind directoin and speed , port ,people on the crew, water temp,lures and presitations for the day and so on ,i beleive it helps out greatly

i just keep it in the boat so i can look throught it on tough days to refresh my memorie to get thing going

but a spread sheet sounds like a good idea also

and yes there is nothing wrong with compititoin:thumb:

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thanks terry..you know its like the wmfl...its fun to try and beat the other guy..but when youre back at the campground guys get to gether and share info...this spreadsheet stuff to me is just like any other tool...its gonna help me and anyone who fishes with me or around me that wants to know what i did

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I never took the time to keep a log but I have log books from the 70's through the mid eighty's that my grandfather kept. I never had the self discipline to do that. It is pretty interesting to look at the trips he had on Lake Michigan aboard "The Touge" I believe I spelled it right. Some of the older Muskegon guys might remember him. So if anything your kids might like it someday.:)

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Our nations history is built on record keeping....

It's not about beating someone up over losing a salmon it's understanding why you got that fish to the boat and how you can get it in the boat the next time.

Keep up the log book Don and everyone out there who keeps records, our fishing depends on it.

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I have a portable voice recorder I keep on the boat. When the action is fast and furious, its easy to say a couple of lines in the recorder, and then transfer the information to a log after I am back to the dock.

There is a spread sheet/log in this post.

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