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I wonder do you ever arrange a "Great lakes fisherman member sale" online ? the question goes out to both Siggs Riggs and Pro-Troll and all other advertisers, trolling retailers.

Not all of us fishermen are so fortunate that we live close to these "fishermans candy stores". And specially for me, living in Sweden i cant afford buying all the gear i want at a full price, When a package is delivered here i will have to pay 35% VAT and custom fees on total cost (Items price plus shipping cost).

There is soo much nice gear i would love to test on the Atlantic salmon.

This could be arranged by giving members placing their orders lets say between noon monday to Friday week 52(example only), and writing their user name in the comment field a percentaged rebate. Members only and during one week or one weekend only.

It could also be one products category only for example flashers. and or last years model or to promote new models/colours.

have you done anything like this earlier?

Is this something that our advertisers thinks sounds interesting?

What do the rest of the members think?


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