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Elk hunting


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The story


Well first, I am a tribal member. I was drawn as an alternate hunter for either season. So I went to the august orientation, the tribal hunters that had tags where there so my chances were slim. Well the December hunt rolls around and I had no plans to hunt since the september hunt did not pan out for me. Well the Monday the 9th of December I get a call saying there is a cow tag with my name on it since the other hunter could not make it to the orientation. I decided that I would have to give it a shot with the little time I had to do it. Well after checking with a few fellow M.S. guys I got in touch with Dennis Casselman thanks to srconnell22 we got times set up for last friday. After a discouraging day thursday it was good to have somebody who new the area and where the critters might be hiding. Dennis and Preston had found some cows bedded down and put us on them. I had a shot of around 80 yards so I made the first shot right in the front shoulders with a 220 grain remington core loc30.06 which put her to her knees for a second and then as Preston said I put 1 more in her as she looked like she was trying to get back up and that one ended up in the lungs which put her right back to the ground for good. As it turns out the Bay mills Tribal officers were not to far away to feild check the kill and they were kind enough to help drag the elk to the road along with my dad,dennis,Preston and myself. Dennis and his son Preston know this area very well from what I could tell. They are a couple true sportsman and I can not thank them enough.

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