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What brand of downriggers is everyone using? What do you like about them? What dont you like about them? If you did it all over again, what would you get?


4 Cannon Electrics. They are nice to power down and up. I never use the clutch to lower weights anymore. I don't like the small numbers on the counters. (old eyes) LOL They should all have numbers like the old Penn Fathommasters.


Penn electrics. 800 series. I like the price I got them for! I think they were way ahead of there time with features. The quality is excellent also. I wish the counter wheels had stamped on numbers. The tape is coming off the ones I have. As said earlier the size of the numbers is great though.

I think I would look a Fishlanders when these need replacing.


I have 4 hand crank Kingfisher 2's by walker. I will never get them again because you have take them all apart and grease them good every year. Now I wish I just paid the extra and got electric riggers by walker.

Rich :mad:


On the silver one we run four walker captains pacs with auto shut offs. No issues in four years mechanicly or electricly. If I had to do it again I would go with big jons. there vertical and horizontil positioning are second to none.

as far as which are best, I think they all work pretty effectivly. which is better, is just opinion. Walker were convienent for me as Neil wilson is just over at Miner lake and is the area authorized walker service dealer and I can get anything I need any day any time. He works out of his shop at his home about 10 minutes form my home.


Just switched from Fishlander to Big Jon and I miss the adjustable rod holders but that is the only thing. The Big Jon speed riggers are super fast and smooth. The way the booms work I can now lift the arms without swiveling the rigger to the back and the rear mounted holders keep the rods closer. I have had Walkers, Older Big Jons, Fishlander and now the new Speed Rigger and these are by far my favorite.:)


I have a pair of Canon Mag 10a's.

No complaints but........ Wish they were faster!!!

I actually made a very good trade for a little Merc 9.9 for the Mags, 4 Rods and Reels etc etc......,

If I had the chance to do it again, I would!


Big Jon 2 electric and 2 manuals. I absolutely love the manuals as they are as fast as you want them to be. These are the first two rods I set as it only takes seconds to get them down.

Had Big Jon replace the clutches this year and they are super silky now.


I have two walker manuals and one walker electric and one scotty. If I had to do it all over again Scotty it would be. Fastest downriggers I've ever used.


Great thread Mike.

I started out with 4 king fishers by Walker. all manuals and I miss them. They served me very well for over 14 years with out any complaints. They now ride on the back of Steve's boat. I switched over to 2 Elec. Walkers last year. I am very comfortable with just the 2. Retrive is very nice, 300 ft per min. But the down is much slower. I could set the manuals in 1/2 the time. I must say that neither has given me one sec of trouble. But, I am getting old, I like the electrics.



Getting Old??? Hahahaha...ok

On my boat I use 4 Big Jon captain's paks. I got a smokin deal on these riggers so whats a guy to do. All riggers have the gimbals for greater versatility. These are the older (1984) stainless steel non adjustable boom models. when I got them they had been stored in a sealed drum for about 10 years. I took the casings apart and greased them up good before putting them on my boat. The motors are good and have had no problems with them. I did go to the 8 amp breaker as recomended by BJ for the use on older models. they work great and they'll go till they die. By then we'll see what hot & whats not.

  Adjusted3 said:
Great thread Mike.

I started out with 4 king fishers by Walker. all manuals and I miss them. They served me very well for over 14 years with out any complaints. They now ride on the back of Steve's boat. I switched over to 2 Elec. Walkers last year. I am very comfortable with just the 2. Retrive is very nice, 300 ft per min. But the down is much slower. I could set the manuals in 1/2 the time. I must say that neither has given me one sec of trouble. But, I am getting old, I like the electrics.


Hells Bells...I'm young and I like crewing on your boat a whole lot more w/ the electrics! :D

For manulas those Walkers Steve has now are the best I've used-and being boatless I've ran just about everything from pull-pin Rivieras w/ no counters to Cannons w/ no clutch (can you say blistered hands:eek: ). As for electrics having experienced 3 or 4 different brands I love the Tourny Walkers, but could live with any manufacturer these days.


A pair of Cannon Mag 20's. They move at 235 ft/min. and have an auto-stop feature on the way up. As soon as the ball hits air, it stops. I love them. However, I have to admit I could not have afforded them if my wife didn't have a connection to someone who worked at a place that was owned by Cannon. Unfortunatley, Cannon sold the company and I'm back to forking money over to Steve.


I bought 2 Walker Kingfisher II's (manuals) new when I bought my boat and had nothing but problems from the get go with them. Had a rod holder come loose and almost lost a wireline rig and then lost the same rod holder (and the rod/reel that was in it) shortly thereafter :confused: Walker replaced the holder but not the rod/reel - said I should have used a 1/2" wrench to tighten it not a pair of channel locks. I tightened the s#$% out of it after the 1st incident but ... Lost two handles within the same year.

Sold them the beginning of the following season and got a pair of Cannon Uni-Trolls from my bro' who had upgraded to Mag 10's. For manuals you can't beat the Uni - Trolls IMHO.

Have used the Mag 10's and will be buying Mag 10's when I switch over to electrics - not soon enough :)



I just switcehd from 5 cannon Mag 10's to 3 Scotty Pro Packs. The switch is like nights and day! Those Scott'y fly compared to the Mag 10's. I dont know how many switches and work I put into those Cannons. Not to mention when it was time to upgrade downriggers the price difference spoke for itself. Cannon 20's $690 - Scotty Pro Pack $450 Not to mention the repair shops that I talked to said that they hardly ever see Scottys come in for service. Im not trying to knock Cannon becasue I love the way they look on the back of a boat, but the Scotty's make more sense.


I have 4 Vectors on my boat PDS 2500's and just love them. They are super solid, rod holder adjustment is great. They can be set up anywhich way. The only thing I wish they had was an auto stop feature like the cannons have. To compensate for that I just set the clutch tight enough to hold the ball, so if I don't get around to turning the switch off it just rides the clutch without any problem...

Thier Dual rod holders are great also, have a couple duals on my boat and like those very much also.:D


I started with 2 cannnon manual sport troll's, used them for years and just last year bought a pair of mini-mags electrics on ebay. Extremely happy with them. I'm planning on buying another set of electrics and playing swap between boats.


I have a pair of Vector 3500's. They are brand new this season, so I don't have much time on them, but they are sweet so far. Unfortunately Nature Vision had to buy out Vector and hose things up. Expect to see "Made in China" stamped on all new Vectors within the next year.

  • 2 weeks later...

One boat had Old Big John Srs. Two with fiberglass booms and solid cast Aluminum spools- loved them. Bought new boat with Proos. Almost sunk them in 3ooft of water because of switch and circuit breaker problems, plus the booms don't tilt up. Got rid of the Proos and bought Scotty's last year. wasn't too thrilled on the whole plastic thing but they are guaranteed for life except the spool. Had one minor glitch with the counter on one. Took it in, the repair shop gave me another rigger while they orderd a new counter-no cost to me, free repair and free part. They have been solid so far. The don't be afraid of the plastic! They are solid and I can pull a 20lb ball no problem. Clutch is idiot proof. and there is autostop on them. Hasn't been a problem yet- they're belt driven not gear driven like BJ's. I've been very pleased.


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