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Adam Bomb

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Everything posted by Adam Bomb

  1. LMAO Fishsniffer2!!!
  2. Thanks Dave, it was a great morning and weekend as a whole. I really have enjoyed myself in Manistee this season. Its been real good to me. 3 times on the water and 3 boat limits. Saturday was definitely bumpy, but Sunday more than made up for it. What a gorgeous morning on the water. Nice and peaceful and quiet until the dipsey rods got torqued and the silence was shattered by a singing drag....Ah, the good life. Any charter client would surely enjoy that. I know i did, all 650' of it i had to gain back....Cant wait to get back over there. I talked with my buddy Ron, who mates on Reel Pleasure charters, and he said the last couple days have been pretty tough. Hopefully we can get some consistant wind and weather here and get it rocking again. Makes the charters go smoother and the clients allot happier. Heres to tight lines and screamin' drags. Good luck Capt. Dave.
  3. Looks like a fun day spent with family...Well done.
  4. Awesome catch, an Atlantics gotta be pretty rare in Muskegon!
  5. Nice work Dan...Keep after em...Some stable weather and itll pick back up.
  6. Very nice fish...Congrats!
  7. Amen to that!....FISH ON!!!! zzzzzzzzzzzzz....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:eek::cool:
  8. Nice work Mark. Its not about filling the cooler is it. Its just nice to get out with some good friends and enjoy the big water. Very cool.
  9. Sounds like a great week. Congrats on all your succsess as well as your new record!
  10. Amen amen!!!
  11. Well, i just placed an order with Siggs Rigs a few hours ago. I ordered a bunch of banded mylar from them to tie my own flies. Cant wait to get my stuff so i can get started. That was my first order direct from Siggs and it went great. Easy to pay through their pay pal system. I already got two emails and my order has already been processed and on its way.
  12. Yup, allot of guys having a tough go of it. Dad fished a tournament last weekend in that terrible rough weather. They managed to boat 16 fish somehow and ended up in 4th in the tournament. He said they didnt talk to any boats that had more fish than they did. Said if they coulda upgraded one fish they woulda won the tournament, thats how tight it was from 1-4. I guess most had 5, 2 or none....Hard to believe for July huh!!! I know this, a couple more trips and the bay will without a doubt be at least one boat lonelier cause we'll be on the west side....I cannot wait!!!
  13. For downriggers, i agree with the guys, 17-20# mono will serve you very well. Since your just getting started i would recommend that you use a braided line for your dipseys. 30 or 40# will work well, i personally like Power Pro braid, but Fireline is another good choice IMO. Last, but not least, lead core is definitely something youll want on your boat. 3,5 and 10 color lead core is some of the most productive on our boat. Back it with 200 yds of 30# Power Pro, splice in 30' of 30# mono, then your 27# lead core, then i go to 20# on the leader....Works well for me. And as stated, make sure you have good quality ball bearing swivels that are at least 50# swivels. Your dealing with big fish and you dont need your swivels getting bent outta shape and losing fish because of it. As far as downriggers go, ive used several brands including Cannon, Big Jon, Walker, Proos and this past weekend i used the vectors...Man was i impressed. So, with that said, i would recommed the Vector downriggers. Theyre super smooth, very fast, rod holders were very solid, swivel bases swiveled like silk and theyre a compact unit. Very well built IMO, you can see the quality through and through...I was very impressed with them to say the least. Ill be saving my pennies in the offseason to get a pair for next fall.
  14. Holy $hit batman...thats an awesome story and an even better ending...Way to go!!!
  15. Nice job Dan, sounds like things have been tough out there lately. I havent been out in over a week now.
  16. Now thats interesting, but you gotta do what you gotta do...Nice job man!!!
  17. Now thats a nice piece of fishing right there!...Great job, nice mixed bag too!
  18. Great job up in the north country.
  19. Thats awesome Mike. Way to keep the kids involved. You always do a fine job in that department. Awesome work on the feesh too.
  20. Just got the pics from my buddy since i forgot my digital this weekend. Saturday Sunday
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