Its really sad to see so many going outta state because theyre fed up with our hunting situation here. I seen on the news the other night that license sales were down 40,000 this year. Man thats allot! Im sure the economy has allot to do with, but some of its not. Hows the deer herd in West Branch doing? I noticed they havent had antlerless permits the last couple seasons, so i suspect its way down. Thats where my lease was and the last couple years the hunting was going downhill in that area. Couple that with the high rent and thats why i didnt renew my lease. Plus the landowner wouldnt allow us to do anything on the property to help improve the hunting. Wanted to plant food plots etc, but we couldnt. Lotta great memories up there and at one time, a ton of deer. I miss the good old days up there.