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Everything posted by Priority1

  1. My sincere condolences. I lost a younger brother about 5 years ago. He was our helmsman also.
  2. Bruce, A warm welcome to you.
  3. Tony, That is great. There is no better way than to advertise a product than pleasing a customer that has a problem.
  4. Tom, A great way to spend some time with Mushy.
  5. Dave, GJ and welcome to the site.
  6. Duane, GJ and thanks for the report.
  7. We boxed 11 eyes from barely legal to 24 inches with a lot of throw backs. Water temp came up about 4 degrees since Friday to 58F. Same program bouncers and meat @ 0.8 to 1.2 MPH. 28-32 FOW. How sloooooow can you go. I may try the inner bay next trip. Au Gres is my closest port and I haven't boated a trash fish yet this year. A little warmer water and the outer bay will shine.
  8. About 5 degrees warmer than Au Gres. Thanks. Gregg, Welcome to the site.
  9. Luke what are the surface temps off Qsee??
  10. GJ Rick. What was the surface temp??
  11. Mark, Did you ever find the boat you lost a couple of years ago?? I'm just glad you and crew made it in safely.
  12. There are only a few battery manufacturers in this country. As long as the ratings are the same there isn't much difference. I just replaced my 7 yo Wally World battery with a new one from there this Spring. $90 and change including the governors tip. Putting a trickle charger on them once a month through the off season helps with the longevity. My boat is always in the garage and stays above freezing all Winter.
  13. I have a charger but it seldom gets used. I just wave the the glow stuff in font of the spreader lights. Like mentioned above you don't want a nuclear glow on them.
  14. I like the inside riggers the deepest. It's been called the V pattern. It kinda goes along with the whole program with the shallow stuff out far and the deep stuff closest to the boat. I know others that like to run the inverted V pattern with the deepest riggers being the out and downs.
  15. Ryan, You are getting tuned in. VN catch. That little guy in the pic a keeper also.
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