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Everything posted by Priority1

  1. Ray, A warm to the GLF site. There are a lot a variables when it comes to boat usage. Your past experience will be your best guide. I'm glad you have a youngster that is doing well and can share the sport with you.
  2. Make sure all your safety stuff is in good repair and withing dates. Heal up fast my friend.
  3. Anyone want to ride with me from the East side Oscoda>Flint?? I'll probably ride part way with Nick if I don't get a couple of shotgun riders. I sure hope this doesn't get cancelled. It's always nice to see old friends and meet new ones. The last one we had was very nice.
  4. Cool stuff.
  5. Gotta love that Winter steel.
  6. Brian, Thanks: I think there is a Hobby Lobby in Saginaw.
  7. That is way too cool to catch that on video. I have had it happen with walleye right in the prop wash 15 feet behind the boat.
  8. It's always great to share our outdoor abilities with the younger set.
  9. Darl, A warm
  10. Thanks for the report. Everyone stay safe.
  11. Fantastic!! At what craft store did you find the spool holder?
  12. Shannon, She looks like a beauty.
  13. You guys are too organized. It most definitely is a good idea. When the unexpected happens it's important to have all your ducks in a row.
  14. Late Fall is a good time and also early Spring. The shows always have some good deals. If you wait until the action starts availability can be a problem and the prices are just a touch more.
  15. I have used clear, green, and pink and all have worked well. I like the Trilene XT, Trilene BG, and also Ande.
  16. Jon, Congrats on the new truck.
  17. Be safe.
  18. Sherm, In the spirit of the season.
  19. Nick, Thanks.
  20. Nice video and fish.
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