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Everything posted by Priority1

  1. Take a look at where the button goes through the enclosure. It is probably rubbing someplace. You may need to loosen the screws and move it slightly or scrape the hole with a knife so the button doesn't rub.
  2. Thanks for the report.
  3. J. Dog, Fantastic.
  4. She's a beauty Brandon.
  5. I know Caz, and SeaMac do some fly tying.
  6. This Winter it wont be over till it's over. Last night in the negative temps. BRRRRRR.
  7. WTG Kal. Gotta love the cold water browns.
  8. The ones that get away can be as big as you want them to be.
  9. Good fun with the kids is what it is all about. :thumb: Two thubms up.
  10. Ron, A warm to the GLF site.
  11. Thanks for sharing. I needed that.
  12. Ed, Gotta love that Winter Steel with a Brown thrown in to boot.
  13. Tom, Nice gun. I knew you'd sell it. My son hunts with a BAR 30.06. He bought me a new A-Bolt SS Stalker for Christmas in .270W caliber. Give me a call and I'll tell you an true story about why I didn't get a Model 77 SS. The model 77 was his first choice and second choice.
  14. There is no such thing as ONLY catch and release. All the fun and none of the messy work. Two thumbs up. :thumb:
  15. With that size rig I'd go to the 48". A few more rpm is a good thing for oil pressure and boat control. I have been running a pair of custom made bags for years but my boat is a 22' Islander Hardtop. I'm not even sure of the diameter but I can get 1mph or less. I'd guess the diameter of mine are 30-36 inches. I do a lot of walleye trolling. The boat control is amazing. I don't use auto pilot because of the anticipation factor. I can hold a very steady course trolling into 3-4 foot seas. This is important to me when running inline boards.
  16. Sharpening eventually wears the hooks out. You're probably not doing anything wrong. Hook points only have a limited area between the point and the barb. Through sharpening this area keeps getting shorter and finally to the POINT (pun intended) of no return and time for a new one.
  17. Thanks for the pro tips. The router I pulled out of play is a NetGear RP614 v3. Is it possible a firmware download will revive it? I have a Charter provided Ubee modem and it seems to functions fine. The router belongs to me. If the old router is not capable of handling things is there any brands or models better than others?? A wireless would be nice for phones or my laptop that is on my boat in the garage. Does a router give you any security advantages?
  18. Recently I was experiencing a boat load of trouble connecting to sites etc. Charter has been increasing speeds all over it's network. I took my 8yo wired router out of the equation and voila. Here is my speed at about 7 AM. Smoking Fast. http://speedtest.ookla.com/result/2523669635.png I guess it was the weakest link thing in my case. I think it would behoove the service providers to make customers aware of changes and what may be needed on our end. Obviously the super fast internet was screwing with my older router.
  19. My first post in this thread about the comfort level had to do with all aspects of some of these tourneys. Obviously I wouldn't be comfortable either shelling out a house payment to play a game. If the entry is too high don't play. People vote with their money. If no one sits at the $25 table it soon becomes a $10 or a $5 table. Just the way these old eyes see it. Everyone looks at things differently and I respect everyone's views.
  20. What Grant said. My past experience has been that the fish turn on in rough weather, especially the Kings. It seemed the rougher it got the better they like it. I think the big waves put a lot more action on the baits. It may even be a barometric pressure thing such as low pressure ahead of a storm front.
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