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Everything posted by Priority1

  1. Mike, Ya know I like kids, and make it extra special for them. I enjoyed fishing with Cam, your dad, and yes even you. It's been cool so far so the fish will probably hold their patterns for awhile. I hit them hard, from Late May until the action slows on the inner bay.
  2. Good Job Capt. Thanks for the report.
  3. Larry, Yes that's the one. Bob fishes with me a quite a bit. Bob probably had his Jack Russell Terrier with him also. I think the dog netted the fish.
  4. Brom, AuGres is in my back yard. I"m old and slow, and if it got any faster I'd probably collapse. Last week three of us, including a 92 yo limited in about 1-1/2 hrs. I can't see me driving 3 or more hrs to fish for walleye, when I'm 15 minutes from the AuGres launch. A good friend caught a 12.08# walleye a few days ago out of AuGres on one of my home tied harnesses.
  5. I have a few different colors, and chrome. I can't say any are better than others. Just a tool to put the goods in the fish's face.
  6. Frank S. and yours truly picked up a quick limit of eyes going with the flow. We did get a few undersized fish, and farmed 3 keepers. We were in 32-33 FOW drifting harnesses and bouncers. We ran 4 boards with 2 oz bouncers and two rods off the sides with 3 oz bouncers. Purple and chartreuse continue to gitter done. It felt strange not having 4 or more people onboard. I had to restrain myself from putting 10 or more line out.
  7. Jay, You should have gave me a shout on the radio.
  8. The bite slows as the sun gets high, then pics up again in the evening. I like fishing mornings because the waves build with the sun. It will usually lay back down an hr before dark.
  9. I love to see kids enjoying our sport. ^5s Hunter.
  10. VG Jess. Keep hammering them.
  11. Good show Brom. I'm sorry to hear about the main engine. Just be glad, that nothing bad happened to you or your crew. $$$$$$$$ will fix the mechanical things.
  12. Good times with your family is priceless. WTG Andy.
  13. Monday I fished AuGres with Mike K aka Justintime, Rick K aka Tadpole, Jack W aka Big Jack. We took a 4 man limit in 32 to 36 FOW with bouncers and meat. Tue I fished with Mike, Rick, Brian B aka Quackertracker, Paul R aka Paperboy for a 5 man limit same program. Just keep it simple and gitter done. 1.5 MPH seemed to work best. What a fishery we have here. I owed Rick and Mike a trip from last year. I'm glad I got to fish with them again. Paperboy and Big Jack fish with me a lot. I fish often so having good friends, to share good fishing, is what it's all about. I fished with Brian B. (QuackerTracker) for the first time today. He is an excellent sportsman that can drive a boat, with 10 lines out, in rough seas. Gitter Done.
  14. Terry, At least you got one. June is tough for salmon.
  15. Jim, June is tough for salmon. Take a trip to the Saginaw Bay and Whack some walleye.
  16. Thanks for the report Jim.
  17. WTG. Go deep and gitter done.
  18. Rob, Good Job in tough June conditions.
  19. Good going Don. Way to gitter done in tough conditions.
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