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Everything posted by Priority1

  1. Paul, Gitter DONE.
  2. Jeff, A warm welcome to the WORLD FAMOUS charter captain from Harrisville. It's good to have another Sun Rise Sider here. Just sing out if ya need any help. I know you will like it here. I thought you would play hooky from work, bum a ride from Paperboy, and jump onboard the Priority1. Even Capt Heavy couldn't shut the walleye bite down the past few years. One of these days we will wet a line.
  3. They look dandy JC. Anything to get the rods up and out of the way.
  4. Dave, Welcome aboard. Looking forward to some of your reports.
  5. WTG Theresa and Kevin. Nice EYE.
  6. I'm not sure who gave Paul the Paperboy handle, but I know why they hung it on him. My good friend Paul R. distributes the Woods and Waters News. Paul is an excellent fisherman. The only two things Paul does better than fishing, is cook and talk. Another warm welcome to you Paul.
  7. Good to see ya post here Paul. Paul's wings are the best. But a wing is a wing, and a hooter a hooter. It wont be long and Priority1 will be back in the hunt. The last 4 or 5 years have been FANTASTIC on the Saginaw Bay.
  8. Come on Spring.
  9. Capt. John, A warm welcome to the GLF site. Looking at the pics, I just knew the Lakers were Stannard Rock PIGS. Thanks for posting the pics. I know you are going to like it here.
  10. Nothing better than fresh caught yellow bellies.
  11. No cause to kick the dog.
  12. Tuna's Reel Troubles 4583 N. Lakeshore Dr. Ludington, MI 49431 (231) 843-4557
  13. I fixed that pic, so you can see that HOG. Nice perch.
  14. I have never eaten Salmon roe. I have eaten roe from perch, gills, sunfish, and crappie. It taste just like the fish. I like it fried very crispy on the out side. I think what turns a lot of people off, is the texture.
  15. I just hope I never get hungry enough, to want to try it.
  16. Bob, You will be on them in no time.
  17. Terry, Ya know I love them Islanders. She looks very good. ^5s & CONGRATS.
  18. Dayum!!! A super geek that knows how to fish.
  19. I have two new Big Jon Multiset Rod holders, mounted on my out and down swivel bases. A couple of Okuma MA15DX reels and Diawa rods, for the inside riggers. A new wiper motor. Possibly a chart plotter sonar combo. My LMS 350 Lowrance is older than dirt.
  20. Save your money Mike. The cabin boys will soon be able to handle the back of the boat. You can be the full time helmsman.
  21. Or lets split the difference and have it in Tawas or Oscoda.
  22. I like a 0/4 single on the standard spoons, and an 0/5 on the mags. I think you get better hookups, the spoons store better, less problems with hooks in the net, and less chance of foul hooking yourself. The one draw back with the big single hooks, is brain hooking shakers.
  23. GJ Justin. Fish always look better with a smiling kid in the pic. Nothing better than sharing our sport with a youngin.
  24. JC, A warm welcome to you. Let us know if you need any help. You will feel right at home here.
  25. Next thing ya know they'll have a shoe phone. The real problem with these new gadgets, is they are putting an end to pay phones. Phone booths have already gone the way of the nickel beer. In a real crisis, where will Clark Kent be able to change into SUPERMAN??
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