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Everything posted by Priority1

  1. GJ Justin.
  2. The main differences between Copper and Lead Core is as follows. 1. Leadcore has a sheathing, and that is what gets it's tensile strength. 2. Cooper is braided copper wires, and is bare. 3. Cooper is heavier than lead core, and will run significantly deeper for an equal length. 4. A lot of care must be taken with copper. It kinks easily. There are some experts on this site that will be able to add a lot to this thread.
  3. Jonas, MORE more more. Nice fish.
  4. Paul, What ever else you do, don't cheap out on the marine radio and antenna. You can get a decent Icom for under $200 and antenna for about $100. The VHF radio is a very important part of your safety package. When you need it you want to be heard LOUD and clear. Skimp on rods and reels, if you must. I'm still running an Icom I bought in the late 80s early 90s. None of the, "Can you hear me now BS".
  5. The quicker ya learn the better off ya are.
  6. Cool Pics. I hope it makes it. It may have been shunned by the heard. Nature does have some cruel ways.
  7. Jonas, A warm WELCOME to you. I like your boat. I think you will like it it here. If you need any help let us know.
  8. I never put this one on the scale. Our best King for 2008. There sure are a lot of nice ones in this thread.
  9. Bob, A warm welcome to the GLF site. You will like it here. Holler if you need any help. I'm not aware of Dick G being a member here, but I have been wrong a few times in my life.
  10. Matt, Good job on the Gills.
  11. Ed, Those are nice.
  12. Welcome aboard Dennis.

  13. Dennis, A warm welcome to you. Holler if you need any help. You will like it here.
  14. The DNR have planted some herring in Lake Huron. The Herring are a more natural fit for the GLs. The alewives, supposedly, don't handle the Northern Great Lakes water temps that well. Smelt will do well, but they don't weigh up like alewives or herring. Herring are also native to the GLs. I sure hope these great fisheries are here for our grandchildren.
  15. I have been in there a few times. It's an excellent feature, that could be utilized more. It's a good way to get acquainted. The last time I was in there; Gare (GLFs dad) and I had a long chat, that ended up on the phone. If no one is in there hang for a bit. I'll make it a point to be there @ 8 PM eastern TONIGHT.
  16. GJ Mike. It is amazing what can be found on the www. That $150 you saved can be splurged on stuff for the boat. A little over a year ago we had problem with our washing machine. A little digging on the web, and a little know how, will gitter done.
  17. Josh, Thank you for your informative posts, and for becoming a supporting member. The friendliness has to start at the top. My thanks to Mike, for a friendly place to hang.
  18. The dodgers do tend to spin out if they are run too fast. Ideally a dodgers has a nice wide side to side sway. The flashers are definitely spinners. Sometimes a spinning dodger is what they want. I like bead chain swivels on my rod terminations, to help with the twist that flashers or dodgers can put on your lines.
  19. I bought the black titelocs @ Frank's also. At the time Frank's price was slightly better than Northwood's.
  20. I remember crossing in a ferry boat the Summer of 57 just months before it opened to traffic. It is an Awesome sight. I walked it a couple of times. 2007 was my last walk to celebrate the 50th anniversary. Thanks for posting the pics.
  21. Gotta Luv Dat Bay. Be careful Bomber.
  22. On the homemade rod holders: If they are made out of 2 inch O.D. material get some Titeloc plastic end caps for them. Titelocs are the least costly and they have to be forced on. They don't need any glue to hold them. These protect the rod handles, and give the rod holders the same look as the store bought ones. Here is a pic of my homemade trees. They have a pin on the bottom so they can turn towards the back. Mine fasten to the hardtop, and gunwales.
  23. Peter, Wolverine used to make a Flodger (flasher dodger). It was basically a dodger, that the two ends were bent a little more in the same direction that the dodger ends are cupped. I have bent some dodgers like this, and they are more speed tolerable. I found a pic of one. The key to tuning these is to keep the center section absolutely flat.
  24. I made lures and spinners out of CDs, Plastic Cookie containers, plastic spoons, etc. Fish do have a drinking problem so beer caps are a natural.
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