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Everything posted by Priority1

  1. Jay, GJ on the gills.
  2. Ed and Robin, GJ on the rescue.
  3. Jason, GJ on the gills and pike.
  4. I have been running a pair of 55W halogens on my rocket launcher for a quite a few years. They work well. I think they were about $30 for the pair @ Boaters World. They make quick work out of glowing something up. They sure make a difference setting lines and landing fish. It's still nice to have a light on your cap to read the rigger counters etc. Sometimes you will block the light from the halogens.
  5. Jay, Nothing better.
  6. Bill, A warm welcome to the GLF site.
  7. It isn't against the rules. Spoons, Plugs, Squid, Meat Rigs and Flies, have all been run behind Dodgers and Flashers. I'm sure other things have been tried also. The Dodger J-Plug used to be run a lot.
  8. A warm welcome to the GLF site. Holler if you need any help.

  9. A warm welcome aboard Robert. Holler if you need any hep.
  10. I hope your power comes on soon. I bought a generator about 6 months ago and used it twice since. I need to keep my refrigerator freezers going as well as heat. We lose power a lot here. Today it went off and on about 15 times.
  11. GJ on those piggies.
  12. I'll come over and ride on the Dirty Dog. That will be enough of a handicap for Terry.
  13. Lock em up and give them nothing but raw sewage Mon-Sat. On Sun give them a dollar bill.
  14. I'll second that.
  15. Steve, Maybe you can get your son to work on Mom to get some gear you want. Ya have to play all the angles.
  16. It angers me that celebrities such as Bob V. Paul H. etc lend their names to ads for these magical heaters. Bob V. has never impressed me as having too much on the ball as far as construction goes. Two of my older friends have each purchased 2 of these so called money saving heaters. Heck with two of them they will save twice as much. Ya Right!!!! They both were like kids with a Christmas toy. I'm posting this so that we can put the word out and possibly save one of our friends or relatives from falling into this trap. I saw some of them advertised in the AARP magazine. I sent a letter to the editor expressing my feelings over these companies taking advantage of their subscribers. Since then I now get mailings from the Eden Pure Co. offering me discounts on their rip off product. AARP could care less. Advertising dollars was all it was about. The only thing these magical heaters do is extract $$$ from unsuspecting peoples pockets. A $300-400 Eden Pure or Amish Mantle heater only puts out about 1500 watts. A $20 Wally World Heater will do the same. Some of these super heaters claim to heat up to 1000 sq ft. 1500 watts is 1500 watts no matter if the heater was purchased at TSC, Wally World, or through the mail with a $300 box around them. Any of these heaters put out less heat than one warm air register in your home. Put the word out, some people just don't know.
  17. Richard, A warm welcome to you. You will like it here. Holler if ya need any help.
  18. Capt. Chris, Thanks for the FL report. 20 degrees below normal isn't bad considering were in the mid 20s for the days high. Toughen up Chris.
  19. Anybody need anything from Bass Pro. They have $20 off $100 or more purchase. Offer is good until Dec 10, 2010. Enter Promo Code 20100EM12 at checkout. http://www.basspro.com/homepage.html?om_rid=AJ-Fz4&om_mid=_BM-UEkB8WH5uJV
  20. Maybe watch him do it. It is not rocket science but it must be done correctly. The CG does check electrical, but most important is your safety and the safety of your crew. If I lived closer I would help you and have you help me with something.
  21. I don't mean any disrespect but you probably should have some help when you do this wiring or at least have someone check your work. A basic understanding of circuits is required. If you need any help there is probably someone here that is close by that can help. It could save you $$$$$.
  22. So if I drain my acc. battery to 4 volts and switch to a battery with 12 volts. They will equilize at 8 voltz each but since now that the battery switch is on all wont I still have 16 voltz available for starting. I do realize I may not be getting this When the switch is on ALL will the batteries be parallel
  23. Charging systems on IOs and Inboards are similar to a cars charging system. Most outboards have a very limited charging system. At idle the main outboard will put out next to nothing and a kicker will put out less. What Mike was saying if you run two batteries at the same time and one is almost dead and the other fully charged you'll end up with the equivalent of two half charged batteries.
  24. When a question is asked, there is more than one person that benefits from the answers.
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