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Everything posted by Priority1

  1. Congrats Nick and Shelly. Enjoy every minute you can with him. They grow up way too fast.
  2. Could be any or none of the above. The members here usually vote on the best pic. Make it unique. A pic of the fish with the rig used to catch it. Usually the fish still has hooks in it's mouth.
  3. Steve, GJ on LBDN. Love it up there in God's country.
  4. John You can do that yourself. I agree most glow paint sucks. What you need is super glow powder. You first need to paint the rod tips a light color white is best. Then mix the super glow powder with some clear lacquer (Deft) is a brand name that will work. You will need three or four coats of the powder lacquer mix and a final coat of just plain lacquer. I have super glowed a lot of my light colored old spoons and they work fine. I had a thread on it a couple of years ago. I'll dig it up. The problem with glow paint is it has glow powder in it but the pigment in the paint hides most of the glow particles.
  5. Oh no!!! Not another Ken. Just Kidding my new friend. A very warm welcome to the GLF site. I'm on the other side of Lake Huron in Tawas MI. Just holler across the big pond if you need anything.
  6. Brandon, It sounds like you want reels that will do double duty. For a quite a few yrs I used the 45 series reels for walleye and salmon. Maybe you could do the same by selling the 27s and getting some larger reels. It's a lot easier to use the bigger reels for walleye than use the smaller ones for salmon. Here is what I used to do. I would fish walleye through Mid July and shift to salmon. I would keep the 45 series reels almost full of 30# braid or 20# mono. When I wanted to walleye fish I would splice on 100yds of 10# mono. Ten pound mono hardly takes any space on 45s. When It was salmon time cut off the 10# and have at it. The 45 Okuma Magna Pros will get the job done, especially for the limited amount of salmon fishing you will do with them. The walleye will not even bruise a 45 series Okuma.
  7. Dave, I'm glad you made it out today. We all know there is more to fishing than catching fish. Thanks for the report.
  8. I use two 55W halogens mounted on my rocket launcher. I looked into upgrading them to LEDs but never did. Mine haven't been a problem so I'll probably keep running them for now. Here is a pick taken while I was building and installing the custom SS rocket launcher. These lights cost about $30 for the pair @ Boaters World. http://www.greatlakesfisherman.com/gallery/files/8/7/RocketLauncher.jpg' alt='RocketLauncher.jpg'>
  9. Good pics Bomber. I wont post all that I'm thinking. I'm glad you guys got it done.
  10. Brandon, A warm welcome to the GLF site. Just holler if you need anything. I hope to see you on the Bay.
  11. Capt. Mark, Very impressive. Keep the reports and pics coming. Come on Spring.
  12. You got that right Bomber. It's God's country up there and God don't keep any trash.
  13. She's a blowin here also but not that strong. I'm glad she's not a Noreaster.
  14. Brandon, A warm welcome to the GLF site. Just holler if you need anything. You will fit right in here.
  15. Claremont7, Welcome to the GLF site.
  16. Great Pics Bomber. With that camp set up we could make a movie. Call it Grumpy Old Men.
  17. Amen to that. Too much glow and it sometimes seems it has to wear off a little before they get hit. Any one else experience this?
  18. Terry, If you're willing to put up with a grumpy old man I'll be there. I did stay on the back of the boat long enough to reel in a long core with a decent fish. After that I needed a long break. Any time I have a boat under my butt I'm happy. You still have a standing invitation to fish on Priority1.
  19. Welcome aboard. Let us know if you need any help.

  20. gto, A warm welcome to the GLF site. Just holler if you need any help.
  21. Dan, Congrats on the wedding plans. You are a luck man if your new to be wife want to fish on your honeymoon.
  22. Ludington or Manistee any time in August is going to ROCK.
  23. Jim, That's what I call the Drunken Sailor technique. It gets used almost every trip on Priority1 and it's not just for core, copper, and Salmon. The drunken sailor weave is the change up pitch that can make the difference. Some guys just drive like that naturally.
  24. The Dog puts on one hell of a fish fry. It's always good to put some faces with names. The chatter and information flowed freely on the radio.
  25. Matt, Thanks for supporting this site and for the extra incentive.
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