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Everything posted by Priority1

  1. John, Thanks for the pics and report.
  2. It has been traditionally @ 8-8:30 on Wed nights. The chat rooms can be used anytime two or more want to get together. Even some Wed. are hit or miss.
  3. Dave, GJ. It will keep getting better.
  4. Rich, A warm welcome to the GLF site.
  5. Tim, Thanks for the report. That heavy rainfall a week ago does have things messed up.
  6. Heidi, Thanks for the E. side report. It will get better.
  7. Ed, Gr8 shots.
  8. Dave, Thanks for the report. You'll get em next time.
  9. GJ on the eyes. Thanks for the report and a warm welcome to the GLF site.
  10. Hey Dog, Keep whacking and stacking.
  11. Here's a new one on eBay. http://cgi.ebay.com/Shakespeare-AM-FM-VHF-Antenna-Splitter-4357-S-Separator-/380281802582?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item588a8fcf56
  12. As far forward as possible and still reachable from the fishing area. With the rods forward they are not in the way while fighting a fish.
  13. Brent, VN Ride.
  14. Nice eye.
  15. Standard practice off Stannard Rock jigging for Lakers.
  16. Roger, Congrats on the Big Bird.
  17. Great Trip. Fishing is extra special when you involve kids.
  18. Tony, I have two bags that were made in Tawas by Harley and Barb at the bait shop, Canvas and Upholstery place on US23 just as you're coming into Tawas from the S. These have performed very well for me. I have heard that Amish Outfitters has a VG bag also. I think if you have a good pattern any good canvas shop could fix you up.
  19. When fuel prices soared a couple of years ago I noticed a definite decrease in fishing boats. I made it my priority to fill every seat. Posting for riders in that forum helps. Most fishermen know the expenses a boat owner has and will help with a fuel donation.
  20. Captain, A warm welcome to the GLF site. We are looking forward to your reports.
  21. GJ Captains Pochos, Andres, George and Chris, and Heather. I wish I was there with you on that salt water. I spent a quite a bit of time off Manistee and Onekama. Netminders is known far and wide.
  22. Shawn, A warm welcome to the GLF site. I fish the West side of Saginaw Bay mostly out of AuGres. I fished the East side of the Bay a little. Most of the time I pull B.B. and harnesses. I do change up if the fish tell me to do so. I fish Mon-Fri but will do a weekend if the weather or someone forces me to do so. There is no place I'd rather be than on that water. We are so fortunate to have these great resources in our back yards. Holler if you need any help.
  23. I did a search, This thread shows a pic of how Capt. John T. rigs em. http://www.greatlakesfisherman.com/forums/showthread.php?t=21219&highlight=Brads
  24. Mike, A warm welcome to the GLF site.
  25. Alexa, A warm welcome to the GLF site. I concur on the track set up. It makes it easy to change things up without drilling a lot of holes.
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