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Everything posted by Priority1

  1. Yep, Someone was looking out for him. The will to live is amazing. Some impossible feats have been recorded over the years.
  2. I have resisted joining FB and Twitter. It just seems to me that some of these folks hang their whole life out there. I guess it ok if FB and Twitter are the only life you have. This is just an old dinosaurs take on it. If you like it fine. Different strokes for different folks. I get asked all the time and I never respond. I feel bad rejecting someones invitation so I just do nothing. Anyone else do this???
  3. I fish the inner bay as much as the outer. I don't stay on junk fish. We take an occasional farm animal or cat but when we release them they tell the rest of their school what we did to them on Priority1.
  4. Congrats to you and your grandson.
  5. He was transferred to Covenant in Saginaw. The pilot kept himself afloat for 17 hrs. according to TV5 WNEM.
  6. Dave GJ on the bay.
  7. Very rarely do we use more than 2 dozen crawlers for a 20 fish box. I seldom run much over 1.5 MPH.
  8. It's pretty tough to put more than 2 riggers on a 16 footer.
  9. GJ Justin. What was the water depth you connected at???
  10. The BB is running interference.
  11. Keep hammering them.
  12. Here is a start. http://www.bigjon.com/
  13. Can't beat them glows in the low light.
  14. Then start over and buy some real boards. Offshore.
  15. Nice Kings
  16. Jacob. GJ:thumb: When those free sliders are taking a lot of fish they are obviously a lot higher than the mainline. Try fixed sliders ten up from main line and try and put them both where the action is.
  17. Matt, GJ and good report. TYVM:thumb:
  18. Brian, GJ and a warm welcome to the GLF site.
  19. If it happens all the time it is strange. Sometimes you will hear a conversation taken place from two vessels and only hear one side. One vessel may be 10 miles away with in range and the other may be 20+ miles away out of range. VHF reception is kind of a line of sight thing. I believe the earths curvature limits this to +- 12 miles depending on antenna height. At times I have gotten an extreme skip and can communicate with vessels 50+ miles away. AuGres to Harbor Beach one example.
  20. Capt. Rich, GJ in the tourney and thanks for the detailed report.
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