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Everything posted by Priority1

  1. WTG Jason and crew. It was good talking to you last evening.
  2. Ron, The warmest of welcomes to you. You will like it here. I stumbled in here a few years back and I'm hooked for life.
  3. Any of the electric Big Jons. Tony @ Lord of the Riggers would be my suggestion for a new set. I have older Cannons electrics that came with my boat. They are functional, but when I broke a gear in it a couple of years back the part was not available. I was able to weld the old part and keep it going. Cannon changed ownership and their policies are not what they used to be.
  4. TJ some nice fish there.
  5. GJ Mike Rick and Randy.
  6. Carl, GJ on the salmon.
  7. Ken, A warm welcome to you.
  8. Well better that then a death in the family. Sorry about your loss.
  9. GJ Phil, Adam, and Randy.
  10. GJ introducing our sports to the youngsters. Gotta Luv what we have going in this great state.
  11. Nick, A warm welcome to you.
  12. Michael, A warm welcome to you.
  13. With only and 8 hp on that boat you are going to be lacking in boat control. Speed and boat control are at the top of the equation for both walleye and salmon.
  14. Good times there Terry.
  15. That's his built in goose call.
  16. :thumb:
  17. I agree. Why run the risk. You may even want to put a 4th rigger on. When the rigger bite is there, the 4th rigger is priceless.
  18. Tom, Nice pic and gj on the Hos
  19. John, GJ and tyvm for the report.
  20. Tim, Gotta love the fishing and those kids.
  21. Ken, A warm welcome to the GLF site.
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