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Everything posted by Priority1

  1. Bill, GJ on the solo trip. Be careful especially when fishing alone.
  2. Gary, GJ on the Salmon and Brown. I'm glad you were able to get your dad out.
  3. Shane, GJ out of Holland.
  4. Gj on the fish and ty for sharing the pics.
  5. "Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming 'WOW What a Ride!'"
  6. Tarrey, GJ on the Kings.
  7. Cary GJ on the Salmon Slammin and GL on the Walleye whackin.
  8. GJ Gordy. I know those Kwickfish have to be run slow. How fast were you trolling? It's good to see another Gordy post.
  9. Rob, GJ. There is no better way to spend time with you family.
  10. "Doing Nothing is very hard to do.....You never know when you're finished." "Fear sometimes stops you from doing stupid things. But it can also stop you from doing creative or exciting or experimental things. It can cloud your judgment of others, and lead to all kinds of evil. The control and understanding of our personal fears is one of the most important undertakings in our life."
  11. "It aint over till it's over" "My grandmother is over eighty and still doesn't need glasses. Drinks right out of the bottle" "The most important things in life are not things." "It's a shallow life that doesn't give a person a few scars." "Life is like a roll of toilet paper. The Closer it gets to the end the faster it goes." Let's hear some of your favorites.
  12. Here she is. http://www.greatlakesfisherman.com/gallery/files/3/1/8/9/009.jpg' alt='009.jpg'> VN looking ride.
  13. Yes I do. Next time through stop on in. It's always good to put a face with a name. This is the first year my boat sat out. She's usually tucked in every night in her own bay in my garage.
  14. Dave, Congrats on a GR8 year. Sometimes in fishing and life in general it just doesn't go your way. I wish I was able to get out half as much as you did this year. I usually fish about 4 times a week and this year I was only out 5 times total. There is still time this year and of course next year. I know you'll be on em and I hope I will be also.
  15. I hope it works out well for you. It's definitely a good time to buy a boat. Be sure to post some pics of your new ride.
  16. When I started this thread I put it in General Discussion to isolate it from any all cap post. The reason I did this was not to be harsh or rude to anyone that may have not known that some are offended by an all cap post. I think data presented that is not on an open forum doesn't come under that same rules as chat or open forums. I tried to keep this impersonal so as not to offend anyone. As I stated in my initial post the caps don't bother me but I know they bother other users. I have heard others comment on all caps in a chat session saying, "Are You Pissed? If not why are you yelling?":lol: I was asking for opinions on a particular subject and kept it impersonal. Contrary to others beliefs I do have a life and feel blessed to have this site as a part of it. Peace to all my brothers and sisters.
  17. Hey TJ, Like Paul Harvey used to say "The rest of the story". There is always more than is on the surface and I'm glad you brought it out. The only thing if there was any kind of an offer presented and accepted there is usually a good faith deposit with a check, CC, cash, watch, first born child, etc., no mater when the deal takes place. Exceptions to this include friends and relatives where misunderstandings and hard feelings are really likely to happen. If there was a deal on that boat, shame on the seller. I always look at missed opportunities as a blessing in disguise.
  18. I just recently read a post that was done in all caps. I didn't want to embarrass anyone about it because maybe they are not aware of internet etiquette. Others also may not be aware that an all Cap post is internet YELLING. I'm not sure how anyone else feels about this subject but I thought I'd throw it out there for discussion. Personally I don't take offense to it because in reality a cap post is not in my face. I do know that a lot of the younger internet savvy people do take offense to anyone YELLING on the net. I think it's acceptable to cap a word or two for emphasis. This is just my take on things. I'm not directing this at any individual and the reason this is posted here in General Discussion and not quoted and posted in a thread where the alleged yelling took place. It's been said that if you really want people to listen, whisper don't yell. Let's hear it.
  19. Don't feel bad feel glad. Money talks and BS walks. Ya snooze ya loose. What else is appropriate?? Offers with out a deposit are not often taken seriously. I'm sure not bashing anyone but that's the way it is in the real world.
  20. Shift gears and give it the gas. WTG Bob.
  21. GJ Terry, Roger, Phil, and Adam. With a team like this I'd expect no less. Keep hammering them.
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