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    West Olive

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  1. Trolled out of Port Sheldon 4:30-6:30, too nice to stay home. Worked 90-120 FOW. Had 2 bites, both on a Stinger Jager Bomb on 250CU. Current was fierce. Marked bait and fish. I imagine that the bite was good at dusk. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman
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  2. Fished Saugatuck 5:30-9:30, and went 7-13, very nice fish. Caught 2 kings 21# and 19#, 4 cohos and a SH. All bites 130-170 FOW. Bites were on a mix of spoons, flasher flies and flasher meat rigs 30-90 feet down. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman
  3. Awesome fishing. We are heading to Bolles in 2 weeks. Can’t wait. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman
  4. Fished solo out of PS Thursday mid afternoon. Went 2/3 all between 110-130. 2 bites on mag MS 5 eyes 70 down on a free slider and 1 on caramel dolphin on 250 CU. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman
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  5. Fished Saugatuck Sat AM. Trolled from 55-200 FOW without a bite. Went 7-9 from 200-235 and back to 200: a couple of steelhead and very small salmon all in the top 15 feet on orange spoons. Had 1 big fish on, 120 down on a chrome SD w a green crinkle. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman
  6. Had action heading both north and south. We had more bites southbound but we spent more time trolling south. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman
  7. Fished out of Port Sheldon 6:40-9:00 this morning. Went 4/7 all between 110-120 FOW. Divers out 275 and 200 with meat rigs behind 10” SDs were by far the best. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman
  8. Fished again 7/3. Set lines at 6:30 and headed in at 9:30. Set in 80FOW up by M45; worked out to 140 then back into 75 as we trolled back towards PS. Had a good rip on a diver w a 10” white dbl crush SD and meat in 122FOW and caught an adult king in 78 FOW on a UV blue dolphin Stingray. There were many boats out and radio chatter sounded like fishing was slow. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman
  9. Fished out of PS 6-9 last night. There were very few boats out. Trolled south of the harbor 80-120 FOW. Caught 2 kings both in 80-85 FOW on spoons: blue dolphin Stingray and a standard MS w blue chartreuse and orange. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman
  10. 200 and 250 coppers Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman
  11. Fish for a couple of hours out of Port Sheldon this morning. Starting 75 FOW. Worked 75-90 for over an hour. Marked lots of bait and a few fish. Slid out and marked fish 125-140 FOW. Caught a 15# king on a NBK Stingray in 135FOW and a 8# coho on a MS mag 5 eyes in 132FOW. Beautiful morning on the lake. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman
  12. Great morning Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman
  13. One guy waned to tell me about how his grandfather and other residents used to dig a path from the sand to flush out the river mouth before the piers were put in. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman
  14. Some property owners said that Consumers Energy has applied for an emergency dredging permit and are waiting for approval. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman
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