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Deckhand Dan

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  1. Hey guys, Took annother stab at those spring kings with my buddy mark and instead of chasing them down in a bigger boat we decided to break out his 16ft hunt camp boat! Despite having a harder time sticking a few fish we were able to put together a decent program with lead cores and dipseys. 2-4 colors and dipseys 30 to 50 ft out was the ticket for us this day. Looking forward to kicking the 2021 season off and getting back to the grind 👌 Thanks for watching, Dan
  2. Hey guys, This past fall my employer sent me out to shoot a few lodges in BC and i was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to put together a youtube video for one of the operations. We got to fish a couple trophy rainbow trout lakes aswell as 2 beautiful river systems secluded deep in the Cariboo region. I hope you guys enjoy my video! This is part 1 of a 2 part series. the next leg of the adventure takes south where we encounter post spawn bull trout and late season cut throat trout in the kootenays. Thanks for watching, Dan
  3. 2020 spring-ish Shake down was outrageous. Never seen salmon so schooled up. Double and triple headers all morning. 20 minutes of absolute CHAOS. Definitely felt good to be back on the water! Thanks for watching, Dan
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  4. Hey guys, Opener was an absolute success for me and despite losing a bunch of fish, i still feel satisfied with what i achieve.. more so, i encountered some of the most aggressive fish ive had the pleasure of getting tight with. Jump to the 10:53 mark in the video and you will understand why. I hope this brings you guys some enjoyment and gets you fired up for better days ahead! Thanks for watching Dan
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  5. Hey guys, My buddy Bowen and I snuck out on the local Lund for some fall king action. Next years class of fish is looking SOLID. Its always nice getting out for ourselves and catching our limit.. Freezers full for the winter! sorry for hard righting on that first fish Bo... Heres the clip: Thanks for watching, Dan
  6. hey guys, heres a clip from my yearly trip up north past Sudbury. I got into a few nice brook trout and caught a pretty unique trout. The local i fished with on my last day was telling me that the ministry had introduced cut throat trout to the fishery years ago, and since then, they have cross breeded with the rainbow trout during their spawning seasons. they call it a "cutbow" up there.. lol Ilso got into a few decent pre spawn small mouth bass with Tyler Dunn which was pretty fun. Up north, their bass season is pretty much all year round. heres the clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrFDEVd4oBo&t=110s Thanks for watching, Dan
  7. Hey guys, Quick shout out to Team Yankee troller for taking home the W for this tournament. Nice work boys. We had our chances at some big fish but we fell short unfortunately.. 9th place finish with a total box weight of 76.56 lbs is still not bad! less than 60 days until our next shot at a big win. Thanks for watching, Dan
  8. sounds like your bite is just about to set up! Hang in there!
  9. Hey guys, Im a few weeks behind but I have some new projects on the go this season so im doing my best to balance! Heres a recap of an outing early last week on the south shore. We found some good silvers and shook off any left over rust from the off season! As well, if you have a youtube account, go and subscribe to my channel to stay connected with all my content! Any support helps! Enjoy:
  10. Hey guys, I got the call late friday night from buddy Lyle and he said things were looking good so i grabbed the cameras and headed for the big river. Needless to say, we locked into some solid action and got them dialed in pretty quickly. This was my first time doing this style of fishing and Lyle was nothing short of helpful in getting the stick and I rigged for action lol He said that the stick might actually be good for this style of fishing and man was he right. darn thing might be 40 years old but it definitely still performed great! Its a zebco with very little info on it. all i know is that the cork handle was so old that it has since crumbled to bits since i started using it. Thanks for watching Dan
  11. Speechless... 6 hours straight of pure MADNESS! The fish pushed both myself, the gear and the group to our limits today but when the going got tough, we put it in high gear and kept on chugging. One for the archives thats for sure! Anyone else ever experienced a planer board turned dipsey diver? Enjoy, Dan
  12. On top of the tougher fishing this time round, i had some camera gear fail me and i wasnt able to catch all them key moments you guys like seeing... next tournament il be back and in full force! The kings humbled us yet again on our performance during the 2018 scotty king of kings tournament out of bluffers park marina this June. we got our 6 fish box but there was definitely room for improvment! Key thing for this tournament is that "Even Flow" (our new addition to the fleet) performed great and shes ready for a long life chasing kings on Lake Ontario! Congrats to Reel Action on the big win aswell! Thanks for Watching, Dan
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  13. Hey guys, Aside from the insane fishing we had this day, this was pretty special to me because it was my first time getting to run a boat (assisted by Moby lol) The kings were chewin and rods were flying! nothing more needs to be said! Looking forward to new learning curves and another season of great people and experiences! Cheers, Dan
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