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Sassy Sharon

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  1. We went out to 150 fow and trolled back to 135 fow. lines down between 60 & 90 ft. Caught one 15 lbs king on Deep Diver set on 1 back 200 ft on counter. Hit a Mag Dreamweaver Green Fuzzy Bear Spoon. Out of Muskegon
  2. Sounds like us here in Muskegon.
  3. Nice fish, Thanks for the info. Going out tomorrow morning
  4. Thanks, that's about what the temp. is here in Muskegon. I'll give it a try.
  5. What was the water temp at 35 to 45 FOW
  6. Thanks a lot, I going out sometime today. I have 2 of them , I'll give it a try. I'll let you know what happens
  7. Lunker, can I ask what was the setting on your Dipsey ? with or without a ring
  8. How you been doing. We've been out a lot during the week but have been fishing the weekends pretty heavy to. My wife's retired now and I'm half retired. I'll listen for you on the radio. Keep your lines tight
  9. Nice Fish, do you know which RV Spoon you caught it on?
  10. Thanks, keep your lines tight
  11. I figured out my problem, thanks for the reply
  12. SoHa, what port are you talking about? Muskegon. Are the perch on Hamilton Reef?
  13. mines not for sale BGHook49 had one for sale. You could try him
  14. Thanks for the info. Happy New Year and good luck fishing in 2020
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