Dr. Hook
I, too started out in 80 FOW that morning and couldn't get anything to go. Same story - marking a lot of fish but couldn't trip their trigger. Worked out deeper and saw nice marks between 110-135, but was going 3.0 SOG and they weren't having it. I heard your report on the radio that you picked up Chrome at 2.5-2.7 in 112 and I backed down the speed and started working N/S because of the onshore current. Immediately, I had 2 rips on a caramel dolphin slider on a rigger that was 80 foot down. I threw down anything else that I had close to that color on 150 coppers flanking my boat and was able to boat a 6# and 8# steelie within 30 minutes of each other. Needless to say your report that day helped me out a lot. Thanks! I would have thanked you on the water, but my antennae has a very weak broadcast range.