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Storm Warning II

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Everything posted by Storm Warning II

  1. Offshore season, hands down Watermelon dipsy towing a NK 28 Watermelon/Holo. Wicked, wicked, wicked on big eyes and chrome!
  2. Nice Monkeypuke! I saw this pic on the FishErie Discussion board. We F'ed up yesterday and fished too deep. Guys we saw at the dock at Conneaut did well towards 'Bula in 25 to 40. We fished 45 to 50 due north of the Conneaut light. We only got 3. We did of course catch 2 of our 3 on a Stinger monkeypuke!
  3. Fished Friday and Saturday from the Bar, east towards Wilson. 180 to 230 fow the best, everything down DEEP for the kings. Riggers pretty much the only thing firing. 120 and 100 down. 1 21# king on the wire in 1.5 days on white E-chip w/ blue/purple Action fly. Silver Streak Mag Old Yeller on the deep rigger most consistent producer, 10' off the ball. The other rigger yielded a few fish on Mag Kevorkian NK, but the hot rig was a real oddball. A chartreuse Opti Dodger towing a Willis tourney glo regular Dreamweaver on a dipsy leader (@ 6-7' long) It produced 4 kings in about 2 hours, including a 22#er that was one of the more epic battles I have ever had with a king. Landed 22 Kings over the day and a half, only lost 2 bruisers.
  4. Skeiner. The Skein Machine. The ATOMIK fly formerly known as "Skeiner".
  5. Drop a Silver Streak Ole Yeller off your deep rigger and see if you start liking Silver Streak (Wolverine) I do also have to add: First 2 day trip to the bar a couple weeks ago we caught 2 Kings on NKs, we caught 1 King on Dreamweavers, we caught 9 Kings on Silver Streaks and I lost track of the coho on one particular Silver Streak.
  6. Erie, Pennsylvania August 11 & 12. $20,000 in cash and prizes!!! http://www.epsfa.com/2007tour/2007tournamentindex.htm
  7. I am not trying to condemn any product out there, but I really don't like the Stingers for the fact that the paint falls off after about 10 'eyes and 4 or 5 steelies. I have had steelies come pretty close to breaking the blanks in half! NKs and Dreamweavers rock! I am also quickly becoming a fan of Wolverine/Silver Streaks. Old Yeller and the E-chip spoons have been hot on Lake O this spring, can't wait to throw the E-chips out for some eyes and steelies later this summer. Don't see it up there, but I know quite a few guys out east that swear by Yecks.
  8. Now I just wish that silly Lake would warm up...QUICKLY! At the rate we are going, we won't see any schoolie eyes here at the eastern end of the Central Basin till JULY!
  9. We typically "spoon" feed our steelies. The only times we really target them are when they school w/ the eyes in DEEP water staging for their charge to the trib mouths. Then we fish the trib mouths with spoons and sticks and the Bay in the spring w/ spoons and sticks. I guess if I felt the need to catch JUST steelies I would run a flasher/fly
  10. Thanks for the welcomes! We primarily target 'eyes and steelies on Lake Erie in the Central Basin (Conneaut, OH and Erie, PA). However, we do love to do battle with the Kings. As a matter of fact, got on the board this morning to try to get some juice on the Bar. We did well up there a couple weeks ago, but the reports have been pretty quiet off the Bar in the last few days. We usually like to make 3 or 4 pilgrimages to the Big O a year. 2 or 3 in the spring and Labor Day weekend to Olcott for the big returning bruisers.
  11. Hello All, My name is Matt Cannon and I am the co-owner of the Storm Warning II, along with my co-owner Jimmy Zarembinski. It is a boat that we purchased a few years ago from a friend who had recently passed away. The Storm is a 23 1/2 foot Starcraft Holiday that we have totally refurbished including 175 Evinrude overhaul and 20 hp Evinrude kicker overhaul. Replaced all the flooring, new seats, and replaced the transom. Whew! What a load of manhours and $$ that was. As part of our sales agreement, when she was seaworthy, we took the Storm's former owner's ashes and spread them across the first trench off Erie, PA. I think Jack still fishes with us on every trip. Look forward to sharing reports and insight with all of you.
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