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Everything posted by BrosB4Cohos

  1. Yeah I agree…not the right thread for pier reports anyway…but when your reporting about the the SH pier or the black river…which are tiny compared to other rivers and ports…you can expect to have way too many people fishing a small area. Most people is SH that know how to fish don’t post stuff about the black or the pier for that reason. What’s the point of this post anyway. I have fished along side pier guys and I’m sure your pier buddies don’t appreciate your reports each week with the limited room there already is in SH.
  2. Good report glad to see some action headed south...Just curious what kind of speed you are running when going through channel and out in front of piers...i can’t seem to get a speed dialed in when transitioning from river to lake in the fall for Kings...trying out of SoHa tonight
  3. I think you talked to my dad at the launch we were the small boat going out when you guys were coming in. It took us a while for our first hit I was thinking skunk too. We managed to chip away after a while with no pattern to speak of. Fished till sunset ended up with 4 3lb coho and a throw back king. 2 on 6color one on rigger down 54 and one on dipsey... UV mixed veggie and double orange crush. Fish came about 110-150. Going with a buddy tomorrow. Good luck next week!
  4. South Haven 4/1 and 4/2 This is my first post on the site but want to thank everyone over the past two years... I just started fishing Lake Michigan two years ago and have learned a lot from reading posts...so here goes my first report... Started out Saturday with my dad in the morning around pier heads and caught nothing. Started making our way south. Mostly fished around power plant in 15-40 fow zig zagging. We picked away at them and got our coho limit. Missed three or four fish and something HUGE that hit our outside planner and ran about 250 feet until it came off. Most fish were caught on thin fish off dipsy back 35-60 feet or thundersticks off planner. Nothing would hit dodger and fly or spoons. My dad wanted to see something a little bit bigger so we ran out to 50fow and picked up 4 lakers in about 45 minutes using spoons and dipsys. We called it a day around 5pm and we're happy with our box. Went back to same coho water Sunday and it was definetly a lot slower. First fish came while holding the rod and setting dipsy back with thinfish...startled me a bit Thought it was a good sign that it would be a great day. There were boats everywhere so the word must have gotten out that coho were around. Fished from 8-2 and ended up 7-10 with 5 coho a brown and a laker. Thinfish caught 5 fish on dipsy, thunderstick caught one and spoon on dipsy caught one. Talked to some buddies that fished the same water and they gave up on coho and went out and got a box of trout, which made me feel better with our 5. In myrtle beach now for spring break... picked the right week the way the weather looks. See you next week on the water! Hoping to get out Sunday
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