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Everything posted by Rob

  1. Nice walleye
  2. Nice gillls and specs Phil
  3. I use 40# Gamma Flouroleader material for flys and 20# P-line floroclear line for everything else.
  4. Welcome Bill let the questions fly.
  5. sounds good to me
  6. I am for almost anything that will create good paying jobs. But it would be nice if they could get them on shore. I think we have bigger issues like the carp.
  7. Nice job I cant wait to hit the river for some steelies
  8. awsome job. I remember how much fun I had when I was a little one rabbit hunting. Lots of good times
  9. very nice buck congrats
  10. very nice I can't wait to hit the ice
  11. I have a olympus stylus tough 6000. I have had no problems with it yet. I do not do anything special but it is waterproof, shockproof, and freezeproof. I had 2 other cameras and condesation got the best of them from ice fishing I learned the hard way. I have heard another person on this site say used handwarmers on them when they were in the cold. I think it was one of the guys that fish the bay
  12. Now thats a retriever
  13. Sound tasty I will be in the U.P. the 26th maybe I should be fishing instead of rabbit hunting
  14. WOW very nice fish guys
  15. They are fishing snug harbor and some areas on white lake (east end) and most of the smaller lakes around hesperia
  16. welcome alan
  17. Congrats wish you 2 the best of luck. With my vote you are down by 17. I will vote tell the end
  18. My deer camp is about 3 miles south of bitley. I thought I saw a cougar this past summer but still to this day am not 100% sure. I was told I was crazy by everyone at camp but I know bobcats dont have long tails and are the size for a deer. Joe did they kill that cougar when they hit it?
  19. I like to use K&E moon jigs with mousies.
  20. I like the 2-way radio ideal
  21. I use a #6 treble with about 5ft of 20lb florocarbon leader. I started using a vinyl coated line last year and the stuff is awsome. It dose not freeze up or tangle up
  22. sounds like a blast count me in
  23. vexilar I would be lost without one I have the 18 it is a very nice unit
  24. Have you ever used slammer boards? That is what I use I have never seen anyone use tip ups. They dont spit the spawn sac out before you get to it?
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