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Everything posted by Gezellig

  1. Staying on Long Lake just north of Alpena this week with the inlaws. I have never fished this end of the state before. i am planning on launching out of Alpena and fishing thunder bay as I have heard that you can run walleye gear along with salmon gear for a mixed bag. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. My inlaws have never fished with me before and my wife is actually tagging along. Would love to get them into some fish. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman
  2. We had one visit us for over an hour on Saturday out of whitehall. The kids were actually petting it!!! We called him lucky because at one point he moved to one of our low diver rods and no sooner did he do that and the rod went off. He then hung out on the front rail until we pulled gear and left. Do they migrate from Wisconsin or something? I thought it was really cool and he was obviously tired. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  3. Went out for one final trip this morning. Weather was absolutely perfect as was the water. Dropped lines at 250 and started marking fish immediately. caught a small laker in 300 FOW so started heading north. zigzagged around from 300 back into 250 then back out to 350 marking good fish and more bait balls than I have seen all year. Fish were anywhere from 50’ down to 100’. Only caught one coho through all that and then a steelhead when pulling lines at noon. All fish caught on divers high and low. high divers set to 180, low diver was a mag on wire at 150. The 3 fish were all caught in 300 FOW. That seemed to be the magic spot. Should have spent more time there. Could not believe that none of my long lines went off. Water temp at ball 90’ down was 43-46 until we got out to 325, it then gradually jumped up to 53 before I turned her around. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
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  4. I am heading out of whitehall in the AM, was going to run out to 300’ and then drop. Hoping for some jumpers. Will be the last trip for the year. Will be on 68 as well. Boat name Gezellig. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  5. Nothing like last Saturday for me. Set lines in 130 and headed NW marking a decent amount of fish out to 170. Picked up one greaser on a high dipsy 180 back with a blue green spinny and rapture green fern fly. That is all she wrote. [emoji17]. Spent the next three hours going into 90 and back out to 200 without even a mark. after pulling lines we went into 60 foot of water and had a ton of marks laying on bottom. We deployed dipsys and dragged them right along the bottom for another hour but again.....nothing. What kind of fish do you guys thing where in that shallow in the warm water? (72 degrees down there). One other group at the fish cleaning station had a nice Steelie and 2 greasers. Said they caught em in 200 FOW. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  6. Yes, the fish that we pulled gear for and stopped the boat was the steelhead. It was time to head in anyway so we put all the gear away and when trying to turn the boat back towards port is when I discovered that I had no steering. The hose had blown out of my autopilot pump. I am assuming this is because while fighting the fish in neutral I forgot to turn the autopilot off and it was deadheading the steering until the weakest link gave out. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  7. Thanks Salmon Slammin!!! I am pretty pumped right now. Guess it WAS worth the blown steering line and floating out there helpless for 2 hours. I am going to have to measure that wood on the hanger next time I am a out just to get a better idea. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  8. I took a picture of the 5 fish we kept. It looks like the one on left is actually a coho now that i am looking at it. The Fish in question is right next to it. I guess because of the size I just assumed it was a king. What do you think now? If this IS a steel, i am not real happy that I didn’t any measurements because that thing is huge for a steelhead. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  9. 6 for 6 this morning Headed North past the pack and set lines in 130’. finally after about an hour landed a decent steelhead on green flounder pounder dragging behind a 5 color. Caught a very nice laker on a blue splatter back plug connected to a 7 color. (kinda weird?) caught a small shaker king on a green fly pulled behind a green spinny. high diver out 180 caught a midsize king on a moon shine green jeans pulled behind a high diver back 170 we caught two mature kings on a happy meal connected to a 300 copper. The second king was jumping out of the water like a steely. I pulled him in to about 100 feet and he decided to rip off 900 feet jumping the entire way before we were in a stale mate. He burried his shoulders in and would not budge. finally after 45 minutes we decided to clear all lines so we could fight it at a standstill !!! I forgot to turn the autopilot off while standing still and it blew a hydraulic line off the steering pump. I spent the next two hours rigging things up to make it back to launch. What a nightmare. Spare lines being put in boat before going out All fish caught in 180 FOW. went to 200 then back to 150. ended up just trolling 180 line and stayed there until the little steering mishap. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  10. Set up in 170 this morning and headed southwest. Didn’t get a hit until 275 on a wire diver with a flounder pounder. Had what fought like a king on for a few minutes then it came unbuttoned. took a coho at 300 then a nice 17# king at 325. got 2 more coho and another miss before getting a small king on the rigger while brining gear in. Didn’t mark a single fish when we hooked up, marked hardly any fish all day actually. May have been out too deep but started hitting some fish while radio chatter was talking about how slow it was so I figured we were in as good a place as any. green dolphin on 200 copper green flounder pounder on mag dipsy 150 back blue splatterback plug on 7 color blue UV rapture fly (forget the name) on big white paddle 50’ behind ball 120 down. I was pretty happy for the shakedown cruise. cant wait for next time. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
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  11. Hey Guys, last year my big spring upgrade was installing the Raymarine EV100 AP onto the boat. This year I am considering purchasing a Dragonfly 7 so that I can have the chart plotter and AP talk with each other. Currently I have the Lowrance Elite 7 which works just fine for me, I have no real issues with it other than some annoying little bugs. How big of an advantage is it in your opinions/experience to be able to have the AP talk with chart plotter? I have read that the built in EV100 Patterns really are not that good for Slow trolling salmon as the turns are too sharp. I can always just point my bow in the direction of a waypoint and call it good right? That is no different than what the computer would do. Any thoughts or comments? Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  12. Went out this morning 8/26. Was awful. brought home a little jack that was riding along on the rigger for who knows how long. Quite the difference from 2 weeks ago when i was last out. Hope next weekend is better. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman
  13. mag dipsys that far back or regular size 1? how far down do you figure they are running that far out? I have never run mags more than 180 out on a zero setting? Sounds like I need to start getting them back further. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  14. nice job gun fun!!! we were out of Muskegon as well this morning. Went 5 for 9 in 180' of water. No kings just Ho's and one Steelhead. It was gorgeous out there today. Lots of thermos to run through. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman
  15. Thanks The Greek. I have 2 of the 29 series batteries in it (just cant see the other in the picture because it is on other side of the engine compartment) so hopefully all will be good. If it shuts off though, I will now know where to start troubleshooting.
  16. As promised, here is the update. I was supposed to get this done more than a month ago but..... Spring is a busy time of the year. LOL I purchased a Seastar cylinder that mounted directly into my power steering assist cylinder in place of the steering cable. Could not have been easier, i bet you that it took all of 15 minutes. I then replaced the old rack and pinion helm with a hydraulic helm and ran the hoses back to they raymarine EV-100 pump and steer cylinder. The entire EV-100 system was quick and easy to install. I did a quick calibration while in my driveway and the instructions said it was good to go. We took the boat to an inland lake today and not only did I love the hydraulic steering but when I turned the autopilot on everything worked flawlessy. It was crazy how it taught itself how my boat handles. I cant wait to use it on the big water. I have attached a picture of the steer cylinder and the autopilot pump in case anyone wants to see it. I searched all over before making my final decision and could not find any. In my opinion this is the way to go. I had the same amount of money into the cylinder, helm, and hoses as an octopus system would have cost.
  17. Thanks for all the advice fellas. I have priced everything out and I can install hydraulic steering for less money than installing an octopus system. The folks at seastar got back to me today with part numbers so I was able to verify that. I will let you guys know how the install goes in another 2 months when boat gets out of storage. Sure wish it wasn't. So far away yet. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  18. It looks like I would still have to have either convert to hydraulic steering or get the octopus electro-mechanical system to attach to my power assist steer cylinder correct? Did you have to install that?
  19. Ok I think that I have made my mind up unless someone points a problem out to me. According raymarine I would have to install an octopus system onto my existing power assist cylinder to go along with an EV-200 system. I do not have enough room behind my helm for the type S octopus helm. It looks like I can convert my boat to over to hydraulic steering using a seastar helm and seastar cylinder mated up to my existing power assist cylinder. This would save me about $300 on steering parts alone. I will be able to use the less expensive EV-100 system to control these. Looks like with the raymarine rebate I can do all of this for around $1800. Now I just have to make sure that it is worth it. Hahahah Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  20. Thanks for taking the time with such a detailed reply scoffer !!! I did not see that rebate last weekend. I really do like the raymarine set up. Sound very simple and easy to use. I like that it can be used as a stand alone system also. All I want to do is point the boat in one direction and be able to not have to have my hand on the wheel at all times. Or turn around to watch the action behind me only to find that the boat had swung around 90 degrees because I had turned my body around 180 degrees. LOL.... not that that ever happens [emoji3] Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  21. Thanks mrhookup. I just saw that one and it says steer actuators are available but I don't see where unless they are talking about the octopus system I keep reading about. I think I may contact them for clarification. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  22. Autopilot Advice Hello guys, I am looking for a little advice to see if there is something that I have not found in hours of searching. I didn't see anything on here either which I thought was odd but maybe I wasn't using the right search words or something. I am interested in installing an autopilot this year as I am getting tired of chasing my boat all over and I always feel bad when yelling at my buddies or worse my daughters to keep the boat straight while I am setting or checking gear. Here is my problem. I have an older 24' Searay cuddy with an Alpha one I/O. I love the reviews and idea behind the Raymarine Evolution autopilot, but I have cable controlled power steering assist. Everything that I have read is that to go with this system, I will need to convert to hydraulic steering, dink around with the Octopus steering system and go with the more expensive EV-200 system. I have read that hydraulic steering is not all it is cracked up to be on an I/O and the Octopus system tends to make for harder steering when autopilot is not being uses. As much as I want Autopilot, This seems like a lot of work and even more money. Not sure I want to spend that on a 30 year old boat. (I am not buying another boat, I like not making payments while it is in storage or sitting next to my garage) The only system that I can come up with is the Lowrance Outboard Autopilot system. I would need to purchase a HDS finder/chartplotter to go along with it and I am not real exited about that as I am not a big fan of my Elite7. (not simple enough, and have had issues with software). Does anybody know any other options out there or had any experience with the Lowrance system? I have looked for Raymarines Sport Pilot system online for sometime now and have not been able to find a used one anywhere. I am used to the way my boat handles and can keep it fairly straight without really thinking about it anymore but that is only when I am at the helm not one of my buddies, not to mention that going out with just me and one other person is interesting to say the least when a fish is on or we have a double like we did several times last year. LOL Thanks for any advice that you can give me.
  23. Please educate me on this. I have a low range hds7 with built in GPS and have the navionics chip for it. What would be the advantage to having a dedicated chart plotter like this? Always looking for something to help me improve my fishing I don't want to add a gadget just because it would be cool to have a laptop on board. I am assuming that I would have to buy a radar to go along with this in order for that function to work? Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  24. Went 3.5 for 7 this morning. Set up in 80 FOW by 5:30 on a north troll. Marked tons of fish but no takers About 7:30 they finally started. High diver went off, got tangled with low diver, lost the fish and my low diver with my only BW speckled dick meat rig. A short time later 300 copper with tangerine Tarzan went off. Lost that one as well. Landed a small steelie on 7 color with hapee meal. Copper went off again and landed a nice hoe. Switch low diver to a mace face and within 30 seconds of having it set picked up a small hoe. Copper went off again but the fish was gone as soon as it hit. Picked up a very small king on the tangerine Tarzan/copper as well. Through him back to grow up. Had a lot of fun and not many fish to clean, not a bad day. The tangerine Tarzan has been my hottest lure this year. No flasher/flies had any action today. The cooler water was all between 60 and 100 feet. Once we went past 100 feet, the water warmed up to 62 degrees and appeared to get warmer the further out we went. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  25. That is Awesome !!!! Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
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