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Everything posted by farfrumwurken

  1. Went out of St. Joe Sunday morning to fight the wind. 3-4 foot waves with occasional 5's. Beat our way down to the nuclear plant, turned, and trolled back north. Got our first fish in 40FOW setting the first line. Trolled north about 3/4 of the way back to St Joe working the 25-40FOW. Had 7 fish in the box so we pulled gear, beat our way back south, and did the run again. Ended up boxing out a 3 man limit on medium sized coho by 1pm. Wind and waves calmed as the morning went on and other boats started showing up by 10:30. We ran small dodgers with peanut flies, along with reef runners/rapalas with various amounts of pink, purple, white, and orange. Everything took at least one fish. Lost a total of 6 coho on the way to the net. No other species caught by us.
  2. Hey Jason, Seems like last year when the alewives moved in we could catch fish just outside of the channel EARLY morning then had to go out to 225 to get bites after that.
  3. Awesome night out with the kids. Great job and thanks for the report. Sounds like those deeper fish are getting ready to come closer.
  4. Fished 8/19 evening. Fished straight out of Pentwater. Got one steelhead on a fixed slider 45 down on a down rigger in 180 FOW. Kept heading west and ended up with 2 more steelhead and 8 kings between 220 and 240 FOW. All hits came 50-60 feet down. Spinnies and flies on riggers and divers took fish. Also had spoon hits on riggers and divers. One fish on a full core but that was the only long line bite.
  5. Awesome Report Jason. Thanks We will be heading out of Pentwater tonight and will report on what happens. Boat name is Farfrumwurken if you are out and give a shout on the radio.
  6. Thanks. Of the five I cleaned. there were two male kings and two female kings that looked ready for a fall spawn. I don't know about the 5 my buddy took home.
  7. Went out of Muskegon Sunday morning. Water up to 50FOW was around 62* but we did not mark any fish so we kept motoring west. Water surface quickly climbed back to 68* but temp down at 50 feet was 54*. We kept checking for marks but nothing on the screen until we got out to around 180 FOW. Decided to sit down and troll NW with the wind. Ended up finding fish at the 230 FOW mark between 40-60 down. Stayed fishing the 230-320 range for most of the time. Fished from 6am to noon and it was pretty lumpy out there with 3-4 footers. Dark colored spoons and green/blue flasher fly combos took fish. We took fish on 10 colors, dipseys set to run 60' down, riggers with low spoons and sliders. The two of us ended up with 3 coho, one steelhead, and 6 kings. another 4 fish never made it to the net. Good luck out there and stay safe.
  8. Sorry but no. Everything is sold.
  9. Great report as always. Thanks and tight lines!
  10. Awesome report. Thanks for the detail and pictures. I am currently fishing mostly out of Muskegon but have acquired some property in Pentwater Twp and hope to fish out of Pentwater more this summer. I'll post when we do go out.
  11. Sorry for the slow reply as I have been out of town. The two rods and reels with braid are available for $150 for the pair.
  12. Yes these are still available. Attached is a picture of the lures.
  13. Please note that all equipment in the original post is still available. Rods, reels, net, lures, special mate box, dipseys, and flashers. Package deal for $450. If you want everything except the rods and net, package price of $300. These are both great packages if you are just getting into big lake fishing or you want to expand your equipment options.
  14. Here are the lures that are included in the lure box.
  15. Sorry I replied yesterday but it does not look like the post went through. Yes these items are still for sale. Grand Rapids Area. Thanks
  16. Everything you need to get a small trolling spread going. 20 Dipsey Divers, 6 snubbers, 7 fishcatchers, Special Mate Lure Box, 6 jplugs, 120 spoons, assorted dodgers, extendable salmon net, 2 Diawa linecounter reel/rod combos with braided line. Retail value of $1,100. Asking $450
  17. I did the same thing a couple of years ago. The benefit of the rudder is that you only use power to turn the shaft and no power running the prop. No worries about battery drain. With the rudder design, you should have no more than 10% of the fin ahead of the motor shaft or you will get to much bite on the front edge. Also, you can't go too long (downward direction) because the fin will dive slightly sideways when it knifes down into the water in wavy conditions. This puts a lot of strain on the motor shaft. What's really great about this is that the front of the boat tracks very well into the wind and you are not constantly fighting bow drift.
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