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Everything posted by stillfish

  1. We were out Sat evening fished 80-120, heared on radio the water temp was 69 frm top to 110 ft deep, with no temp break.. started marking fish towards dark right at bottom in 115. no takers.
  2. How was the surface temps out their, i went with my Dad in the pm fri. and ran out to 115ft, it sure was cooled out their, we were straight out west of the channel. I guess i need a temp probe:thumb:
  3. if you go today good luck, ill be fricken workin.............

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  4. And then you woke-up frm your dream....

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  5. well, ill be up their over the holiday weekend, il let you now how i do. nice catch...
  6. Scotty, "livin the dream" with the wife and the boys outside your apartment, with lawn chairs, sucken down some miller lites, while the boys feed the ducks. Scott im jealous.. enjoy the dream....

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  7. Did you troll in the passage or go out past the light house, i always stayed between the first and second green bouy, 120-130 ft of water...
  8. Welcome back to the internet highway...

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  9. Nice job, its great having your own stuff and boat.... great odds on the fish...
  10. Salmon are getting to be more like walleye fishing... nice job.
  11. Going tonight and Friday morning, Big ones must be deeper. Going out of Muskegon will give report Fri. night. Good luck to all that go...
  12. Me and Bluefin started out in 130ft and went out to 145ft, all ower fish came in the last hour of light. 2 fish came on rigger 85 down in 130ft ladderback green glow j-plug, 1 came on dipsey set at 200 green fish catcher fly, and the other came on rigger down 90ft in 120ft green ladder back glow spoon. Green was hot for us last night... lot of deep fish we marked....
  13. :rolleyes:i didnt know a knock of was not counted as a missed fish, next time i guess a shaker and no one home is more approriate.
  14. Well Scott dont fell bad i think it was the excitment of getting out their and the dream of landing that 18 pounder Thursday night. Im just glad my back was alot better to land it for ya. We just had to fish the old school way.. I think next time i call and remind you of your gear before we head out:p P.S. next time i land the big one...
  15. I was out their to Jay, i ended up 1 short of my limit, 4 eyes 3 cats and 3 small eyes, i was out in my 15 ft mirro craft and coming in at noon was very scary but the boat handled it good just had to take my time coming in. The morning was perfect but that wind kicked up good, so much fir 1 footers they were calling for.....
  16. We should have stayed and slept in the truck blue-fin. didnt look to bad this morning... better get started on that roof:p
  17. Yes, o'l Bluefin needs to sharpin his landing skills, i was the only one to bring in ower fish of the day. better luck next time Bluefin....
  18. Livin the dream, nice catch, I caught a salmon at the state park beach house yrs ago when i was a kid, have they started up the river at the state park yet?
  19. Any coho in yet?
  20. Cant run lead core with that tight of fishing....
  21. Well, couldnt get on the big lake had about 3 footers out their so i stayed in-side the pier heads with a big zero, but the boat ran good. i think the water still a little cold, Sounds like st. joe was hot this weekend.
  22. Hey guys, il be out of muskegon this morning 5/5 tell you how i did.. will troll north...
  23. Thanks a bunch guys, good luck this weekend...
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