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Nick D

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Everything posted by Nick D

  1. The Rod Holders have been sold.
  2. Big Jon are sold
  3. Downriggers are sold
  4. Hi Roger They have base mounts. I realy want to sell as a pair Thanks Nick
  5. Thank you for the suggestions. I went with the stainless guides. I plan on checking them often Nick D
  6. Frogman Is the Big Jon still available? Thanks Nick D
  7. Copper Line Guides I am going to set up a couple of rods with copper a 250 and a 300. I plan on using Blood Run Copper. I have two rods with Stainless guides and two that have Ceramic guides I can use. Is one better that the other? Thanks Nick
  8. Great. If I ever get up to you aera I will give you a call Go you check on Monday but have not got to the bank yet. Nick
  9. The Trees are sold to jmohunts, The Big Jon are still available
  10. The Trees are sold to jmohunts
  11. Hi Jason Will do just bleft you a voice mail. Will get them out to you as soon as I get your address to send them to. Thanks Nick
  12. Nick Dykhuis 4667 52nd St Holland,MI 49423
  13. Hi Thank you for the inquire but really want to sell them as a set. Thanks Again Nick
  14. Bigjon dual rod holders with ball cradle (616)566-1628 $220 for the pair
  15. Rod holders Mad dock trees for sale. Will work with track (616)566-1628 $50
  16. Rod holders Mad dock trees for sale. Will work with track (616)566-1628
  17. Where is the best launch to use fishing there? Are the docks in? Thanks much Nick
  18. Fished my new boat for the first time this morning. Coming out the channel saw the pier fishermen were doing well on Steel head. Decided to fish in front for a while trolled for about a hour and a half with no takers. Moved out to 85 feet of water half way to Saugatuck picked 3 Lakers on a 10 color with a black and purple lure (I don't know the name) and a 12 lb king on a wonder bread 55 feet down. Nick
  19. Nick D

    sold / closed 2007 1800 Lund Sport Angler

    Did not pull the boat yet. Hopefully it will come out mid next week Thanks Nick
  20. Nick D

    sold / closed 2007 1800 Lund Sport Angler

    Hi Dan The number listed is a land line it does not receive a text. Text to my wife's cell phone 616 368 2150 Thanks Nick
  21. Nick D

    sold / closed 2007 1800 Lund Sport Angler

    2007 Lund Sport Angler 18ft. Good Condition 115 HP Mercury Four stroke 9.9 Mercury Pro Kicker four stroke with power trim, tilt and throttle at the helm Auto Pilot, Lowrance LCX-113 CHD Lake Michigan GPS and graph. Lowrance LVR 850 Ship to Shore, Sony AM/FM, Rithcie Compas Bert's Track ( NO ROD HOLDERS ) Wired for Big Downriggers (NO Downriggers) with the sale. MOOR Sub-Troll 900, Dual Batteries, Cockpit cover, Bow Cover, Bimini Top. Lund Trailer with Disc Brakes. Coming out of storage next week $16,500.00 For more information Call Nick at 616, 393,9706 (Will post pictures next week)
  22. Need some input on how they handle on Lake Michigan. I am looking at a Robalo R180 with a Yamaha 115 hp. to set up for Salmon fishing. I have a Lund 1800 Sport Angler but really liking the looks of the Robalo. Let me know the Good, Bad, and ugly for the center console for Salmon fishing. Thanks Nick
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