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Everything posted by mrhookup

  1. It's called a "Thermocell," I've heard of a lot of guys using them trout fishing bushy creeks in the summer and they love them. It'd be interesting to see how they would work on the flies
  2. I haven't tried this yet but even if it is cooling I think it's important to have the water spitting out the side so that if the cooling does go bad while on the water you know about it
  3. taking out the thermostat is the next test. and the keyway is not the problem, it's in there. this particular suzuki model was made by mercury so they are very similar i believe.
  4. Well I've went through the entire bottom end and I've blown air and water down the pee hole through the piping with the lower unit removed and it goes through just fine. Engine still won't pump water. Is there a way to tell if the impellar housing is warped? The old impellar didn't completely blow up just one fin broke off so I don't know if that would be enough to warp it. My next guess is maybe we have a bad thermostat which is shutting off the water flow? Don't know much about that gotta read up on it I guess. Any other ideas? I gotta get this thing fixed, seeing all of these reports is just killing me right now.
  5. Been working on several things with my engine, kinda learning as I go since I've never done a lot of engine work. We have a 1987 Suzuki 30hp 2-Stroke outboard engine. Fired up the engine in the garage last week and she wasn't spitting water out of the pee hole. Opened her up and found a couple of the blades on the impeller broken off and the gasket in bad shape (it hasn't been used much in the last handfull of years). Replaced those along with the wear plate today and put her back together but it still isn't spitting water. I blew air into the pee hole and stuck a wire in there to check for a clog but it was clean. It seems like the water is not getting sucked in from the bottom. I do have the intake fully submerged in a large bucket. I'm gonna try going in there tomorrow to look for a clog but you guys have any other ideas why the water isn't pumping properly? Otherwise she starts right up and idles well even after sitting for a while.
  6. Hey Dave, do you think you could throw up a pic of a couple of your more productive UV flasher and teaser rig combos when ya get a chance?
  7. looks like a coho to me, great job!
  8. Actually looking into making a set myself but I will need a welder, maybe we can work something out for that. I will let you know.
  9. So does that mean you have to add up the amps of all the devices running into the fuse panel to determine your wire size from the panel to the battery? I've got to redo my wiring, it looks like my battery is growing hair right now so I guess I've got the add the panel so I can have just one battery connection for everything.
  10. thanks for the report and welcome to GLF Jeff!
  11. unfortunately got out bid on these, maybe next time
  12. great shake down! thanks for the report
  13. Thanks again Mike for a great trip yesterday! I'ts gonna force me to get my boat in the water now
  14. man its early to see drop back steel out that far already, thanks for the report though!
  15. good to hear of some fish in close, thanks for the report!
  16. Got a response. They stated that the holders adjust a lot like Big Jons. "You pull them out and pick one of the positions, then slide it back in." I think I'm gonna pick these up, cut them down to 2 holders each and use the remaining two for my riggers. I'll let you guys know how they are when I receive them. Thanks for all your opinions on the matter. Tight Lines!!!!
  17. I did ask how they adjust but I didn't get a response on that one so I just asked again. We'll see what he says I guess. And 8" you say? I would think the 5" would work then after cutting them down just fine. I'll let you guys know what he says.
  18. Hmm well got a response from the Fish On guy. The base that the tree attaches to extends 5 inches into the main tube, how does this compare to other brands? I'm considering getting these and cutting them down to 2 holder trees and then attach the extra two holders to my downrigger board for my riggers which I was planning on getting holders for anyways.
  19. You do make some good points Ben. I'm going back and forth on whether or not to put trees or just adjustable holders on my boat. I have a smaller boat and room is at a premium. I'll never run more than 6 lines as there is never more than two people in the boat when on the big lake. Currently I only have two downriggers after my overhaul last summer. Here is a few pictures of the layout of what I'm working with... These are the three options I am considering: 1. One racheting and one regular adjustable per side. I like the idea of not having to lean out the side of the boat to grab a dipsey rod for safety reasons that's why I'm leaning toward this setup. The only thing that worries me is getting my boards spread out if I decide to use both holders for this on a given day. 2. One racheting and one double tree per side. This would give me the most options but I don't know if it's necessary on my boat since I'll only be running 6 lines. This will allow me to fish multiple boards per side better I think on those days where the riggers are dead. 3. One triple tree per side. The thing I don't like about this is it means if I want to run a dipsey I'd have to put it in the bottom holder, which also means leaning out the side of the boat to get the rod. I'm leaning toward option #1, but #2 is gaining speed. What do you guys think, small boat guys?
  20. The auction I was looking at is actually for a "pair" of trees, but yes the Big Jons are VERY nice and they are a great deal as well at LOR
  21. I have no idea who makes them, just saw them on Ebay. They look good atleast , hard to tell how well made they are but they appear to be from Michigan. http://www.ebay.com/itm/160770662599?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 I'm starting to think I might just go with a couple adjustable holders per side anyways, trees that size might be a little overkill on my smaller boat.
  22. Anybody have any experience with these? Found a really good price on a pair of triple holders and trying to decide if they would be a good deal/of good quality.
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