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Everything posted by Dv8oR

  1. THWACK! How you been ya ole bastard!?!!?!??!

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  2. I got a buddy that live streams driving a semi across the nation... Verizon wireless air card..... The bill has to be HUGE!!! I have an air card and your allowed 5 gigs a month. We use about 3 gigs just normal surfing/dl's---They limit you just so you don't stream videos and stuff, obvoiusly he makes a hell of a lot more then I do!!!!
  3. If you have a tournament in mind for any Sunday this year and want another boat in it, reply here! Saves me the trouble of looking for them! Thanks, T
  4. HEY! I just found this, Sunday!!! I can fish!!!!! I'm thinking (instead of me looking for the Sunday tourneys, if you have a Sunday tourney going on and you want another boat!! CONTACT ME! T
  5. Ats why its called Fishin, Not Catchin!!!! !! WELCOME!!
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