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Russell Gahagan

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Everything posted by Russell Gahagan

  1. Here are the custom spin doctors we did in 8" and 10". We will also have all of the new patterns DW came out with this year.
  2. I will have Torpedo Swivel tips. I will have cold water reels and the new deep se divers. Come see me and say Hi guys
  3. I will have all of these colors at the GR show plus I think 6 new custom spin doctors I did.
  4. Trina Rose if you are looking for plugs call me at Anglers Avenue we have the largest plug selection on all of the great lakes. We have 20ft worth of silver horde plugs custom colors galore. I can lead you to a few colors for different conditions.
  5. Hey guys Anglers Avenue will have a few booths again at the Grand Rapids show. We will have tons of exciting stuff custom color plugs and flashers you can't get anywhere else. We will have the new Torpedo Deep Sea Divers. Lots Lots more. If you want anything specific I can save it at the booth for you to pick up just let me know.
  6. Hey guys I did a tips video on choosing the proper flasher blade color for the time of day and conditions.
  7. This weekend local charter boats caught a good number of cohos & lake trout. A few kings were brought in as well. Last night Reel Thuned In boated a double digit catch showing the first reel sign of life! There are some HUGE kings around for sure with more than a handful of 20# fish being brought in this season already. The best fishing has been in 90-140 straight out and to the south. Orange 00 dodgers/peanut flies in the top 25ft of the water column for cohos. Kings and lakers have been coming from 50ft down to the bottom on flasher/flies or meat rigs. Best flashers have been Pro King Green/Glow Modified flasher with a super trooper fly also chartreuse edge uv stinger flasher with a jacked up fly. The black wiggle stinger flasher with a rapture first wish has been good as well. With the south winds this week I expect the fishing to continue to get better all week.
  8. I will have Shimano Talora wire roller rods for sale at the show.
  9. We will have torpedo rigger weights at the show
  10. Anglers Avenue will have booth space at the Ultimate Sports Show in Grand Rapids next week. We will have the following on display *John Kings Tackle *Largest Selection of Silver Horde Plugs (anywere) *Michigan Stinger Spoons, Flashers & Meat Rigs *Dreamweaver Spoons, Spin Doctors and Meat Rigs *Moonshine Spoons INCLUDING the NEW RV and 2013 Colors *Pro-Troll flashers *Fish Hawk X4 and X4d *Loads of trolling rods and reels *Rapture Trolling Flies *Pro King Spoons, New Flashers and Flies Much Much More Great Sale Prices Look forward to seeing u there
  11. Sheboygan Video Fishing Report 5/30/12 55kHb6v23gU
  12. We do have a dock you can tie up to and stop in and pick up any purchases.
  13. Video Fishing Report 4/29/12 http://youtu.be/8Gm0hY2nf94
  14. Hey guys trying something new to offer visual information. Here is our first virtual video fishing report.
  15. Fishing and weather were nice over the weekend besides a brief period of lightning. Fish cooporated pretty well for most partcipating in the Michigan Stinger Brown Trout Tournament. 1. Wolfpack 2 27.7 lbs 2. Mohr Fish 24.4 lbs 3. Rebellon 15.1 While most of the brown trout are on the small side averaging 2-4 pounds Kings and Lake Trout were nice this weekend. Lots of Kings are around to be caught out of sheboygan and were this past weekend. The harbor area up north tot he filtration plant and from the power plant south were both producing Kings in depths of 15-30 feet. Baits that were producing over the weekend varied but for the browns there was no doubt the new UV series michigan stinger spoons were the top producers. Kings were caught on a mix of plugs, cranbaits and spoons. Lake Trout like the kings were caught on a mix as well. Don't miss out on this awsome fishing so early in the year. Stop in or call (920)395-2406 to get a fishing report and the right tackle to go get ab boat load! Good Luck
  16. for me it was green glow prochip 8 w/ either bull frog fly or hypnotist fly.
  17. prochip has a fin hotchip is like a hotspot
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