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Everything posted by glnmiller

  1. Good luck with this Mike, I hope it works out well for you. Some good ice fishing is starting up, and there's some good steelheading to be done too. Won't be long and it's time for spring browns. Boy, the options we have in the great lakes is huge.
  2. We got a foot of lake effect snow since yesterday, and more on the way through Sunday night. Hope this doesn't slow the formation of ice too much.
  3. Nice job on the early ice fish.
  4. Another fine job Frank, good to hear the fishing is still good going into August.
  5. Great job catching those eyes Frank.
  6. Mike, I used the State Park launch, figured it would be the safest. It was daytime too, launched at 7 am, back at 1 pm.
  7. Congrats on the new addition, may you have many happy times together.
  8. That really sux Rob, hope insurance covers all your loss. The only trip I ever made to Muskegon (two years ago) I got my truck broken into, have not been back there since. As I recall we only caught one fish that day. I hope the scum bags that broke in get what they deserve.
  9. Glad you got your board back. I have not lost a board yet, but I do have my name and phone number on them. I did find a Church's walleye board last summer, with no name or number.
  10. Thanks Mike, I have my payment for the decals out on it's way to you.
  11. You da man in AuGres Frank. Another nice day. I will be in AuGres on Thursday to check the area out, I have a business trip bringing me to the area.
  12. Very nice, good job on the walleyes.
  13. Nice job Frank, I enjoy your reports. I am gonna make it up to AuGres yet this summer.
  14. Good to see you on here. I was wondering what was up, had not seen your boat out of St Joe in quite awhile. Welcome.
  15. Nice job, looks like some good fish too.
  16. Great job getting the guys on some fish. Looks like some nice ones too.
  17. Thanks for the info, you are very helpful Frank.
  18. When does the action usually slow for Walleyes? I am planning a trip and want to try and hit it while it is still strong.
  19. Great job, sounds like crawler harnesses are working well.
  20. They should be in heavier when we get a good east wind to push the warmer water out.
  21. Thanks for the report, I am headed over to Sterling on Friday for the weekend. I have my Ohio license ready, sounds like I will need it.
  22. What a bunch of loonies. I doubt this will go anywhere.
  23. Mike. I will advertise this site for ya. Put me down for 2 in white. Thanks for offering these at a reduced price.
  24. Good job and thanks for the report. We were going to go out today too but the wind/waves kept us in. We were 9/11 on Sunday, straight out in 70-110 foot of water. 6 kings, 1 steelhead and 2 lakers. Stayed home and smoked the lakers today.
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