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Bert's Boy

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About Bert's Boy

  • Birthday 02/16/1962

Personal Information

  • Real Name
  • Biography
    Just finished College and looking to start my second career
  • Location
    Hudsonville, MI
  • Interests
    Fishing, Gardening, Hunting
  • Occupation
    Currently looking

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  1. Long pants and put Fabric softener sheets in your socks.
  2. What depth of water did you have the most action in?
  3. Went out of Port Sheldon after getting my boat tuned up since it did not run good at all, previous trip cut way short. Boat ran good so we set lines in 40 fow and trolled west picked up our first fish in 70 fow, a small King on five colors of lead with a Jawbreaker lure. Next fish, another small King came on 190' of copper with a BLL Tequila Sunrise in about 75 fow and then we boated a 17# King on a SWR with a green Flounder Pounder with the weight down 49'. While fighting the last fish my boat died and restarted about 3 or 4 times finally giving up the ghost. We put out a call but no one wanted to quit fishing at 8:00 AM (I completely understand that) so we floated until a little after 9 AM when a boat named "Slim" gave us a tow in, we offered $ for their time and gas but they refused. The fishing community comes through again. This was my first time needing a tow and I hope it never happens again because it is a horrible feeling. I have replaced about everything electrical on my boat except the coil which is now replaced and it still did not run good, took it back to my mechanic and after checking it out he replaced the condenser again and now it has been running in my driveway for about an hour without even a hiccup so hopefully it is fixed. Many thanks again to "Slim" for the tow truly a great Captain on board that boat.
  4. Great night on the water, hot weather and hot fishing, ended 7 for 9. We took 6 Kings and 1 Steel. Lost a Steel on a free slider after a short aerial show:cool: and lost the other one on 300' of copper. Had all of our hits between 80 and 115 fow, direction of troll did not seem to matter. We had 4 hits, took 3 fish on 300' of copper with a SS Sponge Bob, 1 fish on 250' copper with SS Tequila Sunrise, 1 fish on DR down 78' with a Blue Dolphin and 1 on same rigger on a free slider with an NBK. Caught the Steel on a Blue Bubble set up on a Dipsey back 135' set on 3, the Steel we lost was on a free slider Double Orange Crush with the weight down 64'. The flies were a little annoying being somewhat kept at bay with bug spray and the fleas accumulated after our lines were in the water a while. Had great fun with 2 of my brothers last night, good times. We went on Lef-T because my boat is not running right, hopefully fixed early next week. 2013 Fish Count Coho's : 4 King's : 27 Steelhead : 1 Laker's : 2 Brown's : 2 Total : 36 Trips : 13
  5. Have you been hearing any perch reports!
  6. Thank you Ken I will try that.http://www.greatlakesfisherman.com/gallery/files/6/5/1/brown_trout.jpg' alt='brown_trout.jpg'>
  7. Still not much going on the big lake. We started in 80 fow heading NW turned around @125 fow to get a breeze as it was hot. Then the flies got really bad and made me . We finally boated a 10# Brown in 88 fow on a rigger down 43' on a SS Hot Lobster. Later on, not sure what depth we were in because I was too busy swatting flies we caught and released a shaker King on a free slider, Stinger glow Mixed Veggie with the weight down 51'. Decided to quit before dark due to the fog and flies. I sure hope fishing picks up soon. On the way in we marked lot of bait and fish in 70 - 50 fow. HELP< How do I add pictures to my link>
  8. Fish continue to be very scattered. We ended 3 for 5 but before you get all excited two were shakers on the line when we pulled them to leave. We released one but the other was about dead. We caught the Coho in 115 fow on a Tequila Sunrise running on 250 copper, had a hit on the same rig that we lost and had a hit on a free slider NBK with the weight down 70'. I cleaned an eater size Coho and the small King. The one we released was a Brown I think. We fished from 80 to 180 and back to 140 with little success but a lot of flies and junk in the water. 2013 Fish Count Coho's : 4 King's : 20 Steelhead : Laker's : 2 Brown's : 1 Total : 27 Trips : 11
  9. Thanks for the information on bleeding them out, I did put water in my cooler for them to "swim" in.
  10. It was a great night for fishing despite fishing being slow. Went 2 for 2, first fish came in 155' fow 75' feet down, blue dolphin on a rigger. Second fish came on 300' of copper in 135' fow with a Silver Streak Tequila sunrise. Both fish were nice eater size Kings. I tried to bleed them out in the cooler by cutting their gills which seemed to work OK, trying to avoid having blood in the meat. Any advice on a better way to do this out there? 2013 Fish Count Coho's : 3 King's : 19 Steelhead : Laker's : 2 Brown's : Total : 24 Trips : 10
  11. Went out of Port Sheldon mainly to test out the repairs made to my brothers boat which did not run good last time out. His boat finally ran great so we were very happy and decided to wet a few lines. We started in 60' and worked out to about 130' going NNW into the waves with no success so we turned around and took a 5-6# King in about 115' on a free slider, NBK, with the weight down 70. We then went back through that area again marking balls of bait but had no more takers so we pointed it towards the piers. We had a hit on 300' of copper with a Carmel Dolphin which was a small Laker which we released. All in all a great night going 2 for 2 and his boat, Lef T running like a top again. July can't get here soon enough, I'm sick of June. 2013 Fish Count Coho's : 3 King's : 17 Steelhead : Laker's : 2 Brown's : Total : 22 Trips : 9
  12. A hit and miss day on the water. We set up in 80' and started going WNW. We picked up our first fish, a nice King in the 15# range in 175 fow on an NBK free slider with the weight down 56'. Trolled out to 200 fow and turned around, in 115 fow we had a double with both 300' copper rigs. One was on a sponge bob magnum and the other on a orange NBK looking lure. We also had a shaker on an orange and chrome lure. We ended 4 for 5, we had a release earlier with no one home. At least it was a very comfortable day to be on the water:). 2013 Fish Count Coho's 3 King's 16 Steelhead Laker's 1 Brown's Total 20 Trips 8
  13. We went out of Port Sheldon around 5:15. Forecast said 1 foot or less, only off a little, it was more like 3 - 5'. We started in 90' and trolled NW into the waves and had a hit on 300' of copper right away on a SS red tip, black tail, white body big yellow eye(not sure of the name) lost that fish. Then we picked up an eater Coho in 130' 58 down on SWR with a flounder pounder. When we turned around to go with the waves we were going about 4.5 on my GPS when I said "we won't get any fish going this fast, they won't be able to catch up to the lures". On cue the same rig fired again with a big King on it. We finally landed her with out a mess despite the fish trying to tangle half of our lines. It was tough to stand up without hanging on but we got two fish and didn't lose anything so the night was a success. Glad to be back on dry ground for now. 2013 Fish Count Coho's 3 King's 12 Steelhead Laker's 1 Brown's Total 16 Trips 7
  14. That was a very good day. Thanks for the information in your report.
  15. We didn't get the earliest start but finished with 7 Kings today. 4 were in the 15 to 18 lb. range and three were nice eaters. Caught fish from 95 out to 155 fow, 30 - 60 down on riggers with one coming on a free slider. Green flounder pounder, Carmel dolphin, red headed dolphin, blue dolphin and a paddle and fly all took fish. Also caught one on a dipsy set up and one 300' of copper. Great morning to be on the lake, chilly at the start. 2013 Fish Count Coho's 2 King's 11 Steelhead Laker's 1 Brown's Total 14 Trips 4
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