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Everything posted by jrpiasko

  1. Take - Ill pay for shipping. Please give me a call 920-309-1548 - Jeff
  2. First off Dont feel bad I have thousands invested in shimano gear, 20ft pro v, kicker, fish hawk, coppers etc and I have had issues getting fish to join on board me this yr. it happens. I have been out 4 times and caught 2 fish on my wire dipseys. Below are a couple things to consider. Clean your baits the day/night before. They might have weird scent on them. I use lemon joy. Also grab a bottle of salmon feast and coat the lure to cover up any scent that is on your hands. I agree with other posts. Run the line out 80 to 125 feet during low light with glow flashers or glow spoons. Since your boat is tough to get around 2-2.5 mph then I would use spoons. When the sun is up, send the bait back 200 to 300 and get out deep. Best of luck and hang in there.
  3. I am interested in the Mag Spoons if available. Could you send me photo with that you have? [email protected]

  4. Just so I understand you correctly I understand that you have 3-12volt batteries but rigged up in two separate 12 volts systems. If this is correct you should only need a 2 bank charger (connect one bank of the charger to each of the 12 volt systems).
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