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About Salmax

  • Birthday 09/26/1980

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  • Biography
    Kayak fisherman
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  1. Thanks KJ pluggin!
  2. Thanks guys. The camera is a waterwolf. It's my first time using it and I lucked out big time with a really nice 'capture' of that laker. I am not sold on it yet though. I've had nothing but problems with it since bringing it home and going through files. It only recorded good video for an hour, then the files get frozen and faulty. I hope to work this out or I will be asking for a refund.
  3. I'll stop you in your tracks before you call me a little crazy. Yes, I admit it. OK, with that out of the way, yesterday two buddies (who are equally as in love with kayak fishing/canoeing as I am) and I decided Port Sanilac needed to be fished. We just had to enjoy some great weather in December out on the small boats. We ended up all having a bit of action. Everything went back, as they were all Lake Trout. I sure do wish we could open that season up DNR! Anyways, I'll let the video serve as my report. I've got some crazy good and funny underwater trolling bits in the video also. Thanks for watching if you do!
  4. 6XTIfrnw5RY My son and I made our way up to our favorite places this early fall, which includes the salmon fishing grounds near Frankfort and Manistee in Northern Michigan. We tried our luck at the piers, but only found warm water and fish-less stringers. After a huge rain event the night before, I mentioned to my son that I bet the dam would hold a bounty of charging King Salmon. I guess I was right! Every Tom, Dick and Harry was there attempting to sink a hook or three into an energy laden Chinook Salmon. It was great fun to watch and photo.....no room to fish though. We will have to wait for next time, or at least not on a holiday weekend.
  5. I hope so, Thanks guys:grin:
  6. Thank you fellas. Appreciate it. Thanks for watching
  7. Hey guys, My nine year old was bugging the crap out of me to try for Pike with tip-ups. I'm not the most experienced at this, but always have a tip-up or two with me on the ice. I've never had much success until I brought along the one I loving call, "the fish magnet". Jack is my lucky charm, the kid produces action every time I take him! We tried our luck at a spot a buddy pointed out to me. Made a short video of our Pike fishing fun from a week or two ago. Thank you for your time and watching if you do! hrn4oYZW6eM
  8. My son and I decided to keep it very simple and catch our own minnows using a very inexpensive trap this fall. We did not even have to venture farther than the boat ramp to catch quite a few beautiful and diverse fish. It was a great time to take the "do it yourself" approach to getting bait. Thanks for watching if you do! qyhMQy_m4KE
  9. I've seen the damage that can be done in that harbor....you dudes are so lucky!! I'd love to fish it!
  10. Thanks fellas. I wish I had more fish to show for my effort.....It was a tough fall on Huron.
  11. I am not ready for winter. The open waters of Lake Huron had been teasing me this fall, showing major signs of Steelhead success. I badly wanted a day or two out of Port Sanilac with chrome rocket blasts following behind by Hobie. We got out there a few times and there were some fish taken. Not the mayhem I was dreaming of by any means, but enough to make a slightly amusing video. Thank you to Bob for showing me how to actually get it done! Hurry up winter, I want another shot out on my favorite waters! Hope you enjoy while we wait for the hard water to form.... 91nVPUv33_M
  12. Thank you guys!
  13. Thanks for taking a look at them Ryan! Hope to bring some reports to the table.
  14. Thanks Ken and Dave!
  15. DEpPle40TkY Love the great NW of Michigan! Thanks for watching if you get a chance to. We enjoyed some great scenery and encountered great people on our trip.
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