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Everything posted by zouavecat

  1. I was thinking of using a dry erase marker, on the tree or fiberglass. Something quick and easy, we'll se how it works. I thought about a small whiteboard too.
  2. Do you have the original rings on them, I would recommend putting mag rings on. I would definitely run a Full core line straight out the back. That's my hottest rod on my boat and I run everything. Cheap and easy to set-up.
  3. First trip out this year 3-4, all hits came in 130- 150' water. 2.8 SOG 2- 10 color with Red Pepper, shaker and 16# King 1- 7 color Dirtier White Boy, 11# King 1- Dipsey Braid 85' Back Orange Crush, Small Steelhead Not bad for a first trip.
  4. I know very little to not much about fishing electronics. I recently received a Lowrance HDS-9 Gen3, it's very nice. I'm not sure if this is more than I will need for what I am doing. Wondering if I would be better off returning it and getting a less expensive model and use the extra money to purchase a Fish Hawk. I fish Lake Michigan on a 24' Slickcraft. Looking for some opinions from people that are much more schooled in electronics then I am. Thank in advance.
  5. They have been catching salmon for over a week in Muskegon Lk, so I'm sure they're in the river.
  6. I have an Ez Steer unit for sale, for and IO to Outboard kicker motor. Came off of Mercruiser 120. Makes it so you can steer with a kicker motor from steering wheel. Asking $150 for the complete unit.
  7. Big thanks to the guys that gave us a tow in tonight!! Great guys!! Made a bad night a whole lot better!
  8. Went 2 for 4, started trolling out from the pier heading WNW. Marked fish along the way no takers till 100 fow. Ended up trolling 100-135 fow, only took fish on a NW troll, nothing SE. First hit at 8:10, last at 10:30. Pulled lines at 11:30. 2- 10 color lead core, MS Black Ice 1- Rigger, 75' down Mixed Veggie 1- Dispsy, braid 115' at 1-1/2, DW Blue Dolphin 2.6-2.8 sow
  9. Thanks Brian, I did not know that. I will get the stainless steel cable. I am not familiar with the snubbers for downriggers, I will check into that! Thanks
  10. I have a couple of older cannon electric downriggers and I need to replace the cable on one of them. I have been reading that a lot of people are going to braid instead of stainless steel cable. Just wondering what was best, I am fishing Lake Michigan Salmon and Trout. Thanks for any input.
  11. Finally fish in the boat. 2 Steelhead 115 fow, 50 down, uv blue dolphin and monkey puke. One on a dipsy with braid and the other on a rigger. Didn't get a hit till 10:30 then one right after the other. Lost another right after that, then had to head in. Beautiful day on the lake.
  12. Where are you located?
  13. I have used the chamberlain stacker and they seem to work pretty well. I have a small boat so it give me more lines in the water. Of course it's like any time you stack lines, can tangle, takes longer to set back up.
  14. This looks like a great website! I'm pretty new to big lake fishing and looks like I can learn a lot here. Looking forward to great fishing this year.
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