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Everything posted by Onchorhyncus

  1. So miss walleye through the ice. It's been quite a while but my experiences may be of value. I found that on really bright days, the walleye bite was poor and would come on towards late afternoon as the sun dropped and that late afternoon twilight began, then stopped abruptly when the sky went dark. Though a minnow tipped flutter type jig was good, my favorite was a white teardrop blade jig (red dot) and a perch eye. Soldered gold hook in size 8 or 6. I took very few walleyes in my shanty, most were on open ice.
  2. My fishing obsession began at 3 years of age and has been my sport since.  About 10 years ago  I began tinkering with an idea that stayed with me for 20 years and resulted in my first patent for LongLiner, a trolling device for separating weight from bait.  That resulted in the creation of Angler Innovations, Inc., www.anglerinnovations.com, one more patent for Sure Spin Bait Fish Helmet, and one pending for Sure Spin Bait Cutter Pro, as well as distributing Maruto Hooks of Japan in the west. 

    I spent considerable time fishing Lake Superior and multiple U.P. lakes and streams and developed a love for fishing all species found in that region of the country. 


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  3. Checking my email this morning and this topic came up. Long leads has been an interest of mine for quite a while. As such I developed the LongLiner. The LongLiner is a free sliding weight carrying device that can be locked on a line at any point making 300 foot leaders easy. Hooking a fish releases LongLiner into a free slide mode allowing the fish to be netted with a 2 foot primary leader. See videos, rigging, and the product at www.anglerinnovations.com Photos below are from Oregon, Lake Superior Ontario, North Carolina.BigWaterSalmonandTroutwithLL.pdf :Trolling For Large Trout.pdf
  4. Hi Supertramp! Didn't go to school in Boring as I grew up in Marysville Washington on Puget Sound. I've lived here since 1988, so didn't know your mom. Thanks for getting back to me. How interesting!
  5. Most will agree out here in the west that salmon often prefer meat, especially prior to their accent into the spawning streams and rivers. However there are exceptions to that (you know how fishing is!). Salmon take hardware often very well but most anglers agree that in saltwater (their main home and feeding grounds) a herring or anchovy is the "go-to" bait. Even out here where these types of baits have been the standard for over 50 years, many anglers have difficulty rigging a herring. Conditions such as current, trolling speed, hook placement, and terminal rigging, all must be understood and it is not too difficult once you see the set-up. Yes I am biased. I manufacture Sure Spin Herring Helmet that has made experts and the new angler highly effective at using bait fish, giving them a very effective way to "match the hatch." Typically bait trolled has a short life span as water pressure degrades the bait and then the action is lost making the bait ineffective. Sure Spin allows you to troll with downriggers, buck heavy current, or troll with weights, my LongLiner, or metal lines with confidence. Sure Spin has become very popular here from Alaska to California, even inland for trout, in 2 years. So for any fish that eats baitfish Sure Spin will be an excellent approach to trolling. Take a look at my fishing partner Dick Jacobs rigging the Sure Spin: and visit my website: www.anglerinnovations.com Good fishing to you all!, Steve Lumsden, Boring Oregon (yes, that's Boring, Oregon, just 45 minutes from Mount Hood)
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