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    19, just finished my freshman year at ISU and I'm trying to spend my weekends catching some fish!
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  • Interests
    Fishing, boating, being outside

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  1. Hey guys just wondering when everyone usually gets out on the water and what typically is the game plan early spring. This warm weather got me itching to get out...
  2. headed out this morning went 1.5/2... one 10 inch king and a small lake trout. Thinking that hard NW wind friday scattered the fish. worked 70-90FOW all morning. Lake trout came on a dipsy in 85 fow with white flasher fly Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
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  3. what kind of fish finder are you using if you don’t mind me asking ? It seems like i’m typically never marking fish at all, even when they are biting doesn’t seem like i mark much of anything. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  4. would rather see them in a kings stomach Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  5. interesting ! thanks guys! Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  6. Was coming in yesterday and saw a ton of dead alewives floating where the river water meets the lake water just out off the piers, anyone know what might of caused this? Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  7. Got out last evening went 4/5 with 4 good kings. 1 came on Downrigger 50 down, 2 came on SWR down 25-30 and one on a 200 cu. All the bites came in 115-125 FOW, SW troll. All spoons with red or purples in them. got out around 645 and pulled lines in at 830. Fog was thick going but cleared up once the sun finally popped out. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  8. Hey Everyone, Heading out for the first time this weekend and wanted to ask what depth everyone thinks the fish will be at. I see a lot of people have been fishing past couple weeks in 20-30 FOW but do you think with this warm front its going to push the fish back off shore? Let me know what your game plan might be heading into the weekend! Looking forward to 60's and sun out on the lake I'm sure everyone else is.
  9. Went out with my dad and uncle around 5 oclock on Thursday night and went 2/2 with one 10# steelhead and a 15 or 16# king. I had heard the lake flipped the day before and a charter captain told me fish were right out of the peirs. Did all our fishing in 20-45 FOW. Got the king on a 3 color and the stealhead on a 40ft copper. Both on spoons with orange in them (dont know the names). Riggers were dead all night. Thinking of setting up a wire dipsy rig soon to add to the arsenal.
  10. thanks everyone! ended up doing farely well, caught 3 steelhead and 1 15# king, went 4/6 on the morning and look to do a lot better next time i go out again thanks for all the help, definatly investing in some coppers soon
  11. Thanks everyone! just a few more questions, how much of a difference in water temp should i be looking at? 5-10 degrees? and how much do lead core line go for ? you can put that on any salmon fishing reel i assume right? hopefully i can snag a couple fish for dinner this weekend.
  12. Hello everybody, ill be fishing out of Saugatuck this upcoming weekend and need some help. I'm only 19 and have all the gear i should need to be catching fish, but haven't had much luck this year. Can anyone give me some pointers for this weekend? ill be fishing with 2 riggers and 2 dipsys most likely. I got a lot of lures, flasher and flies also. Any specific things i should be looking for on my fish finder? and what depths you think would be optimal for this weekend. Any tips would be greatly appreciated!
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