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Mega Byte

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Everything posted by Mega Byte

  1. We only fished a few hours last night, but took fish in the 150 - 170 fow range. The biggest was a 17 lb king taken by Bret, our oldest foster boy (his first trip on the big lake). We lost a big steelhead that was peeling line and jumping like crazy. Boated fish were on: Rigger 30' down Rigger 42' down 1 on a diver, 120' out on setting 3 1 on a 200 Cu Baits were blue meat rig setup with a big blue paddle, yellow spin doctor and fly, green gator spoon and a UV bloody nose spoon. Can't recall what the misses where on. I tried to keep the ball in the 2.2 - 2.4 range. I heard over the radio a guy picked up a couple in 110 - 120 fow.
  2. I've never used trolling bags, but I was told by some guys they are a pain to work with so I purchased a trolling plate. When I sea trialed the boat, it wouldn't go slow enough, but after getting all my gear on it and trolling around, I get down to 1.7 without the trolling plate so I don't need it. I'm looking to sell it. PM me if you want details.
  3. I went with 45# copper. Had some charter guys tell me it's more durable than then 30#. Since sink rates were about the same, I went with durability.
  4. Yeah, those black flies were nasty that night. That east wind pushes them offshore and they will land on anything floating.
  5. Went 10 for 10 tonight. 1 nice king on a 200 Cu in 200 FOW. Then worked our way in. The magic depth was 137 FOW. Not 139 or 134. It was 137. Picked everything else up there. Got them on a north and south troll, it didn't seem to matter. I wish I knew the colors as well was you guys do. Here it goes... 1 on a blue glow spoon as a slider on a rigger set at 50' down. We threw it out near dark and had a fish on it 10 minutes. 3 on wire divers and (1) meat rig and (2) flies. Colors were blues and greens 160' out and 120' out. 3 on a 300 Cu. I think it was a green meat rig 1 more on a 200 Cu with...can't recall the color but it was meat. 1 more on a rigger down 60 feet down on a Blue Dolphin spoon. The last 6 fish came in the last 20 minutes of daylight. We probably would have caught more if we had gotten into 137 FOW sooner. Speed was 2.2 at the ball when we were catching fish.
  6. Everything has been sold except: $55 obo 36x14x12 Stainless Steel Electronics Locker
  7. MLive has a pretty in depth article about abandoned nets: http://www.mlive.com/news/grand-rapids/index.ssf/2014/06/ludington_trap_nets.html#incart_river_default
  8. Just an update: SOLD: $45 obo Walker DTS-2000 Duo Temp Sense SOLD: $75 obo Lowrance Global Map 2000 GPS Still for sale: $45 obo Datamarine LX40 Speedometer $55 obo 36x14x12 Stainless Steel Electronics Locker
  9. Make sure you look at the Fish Hawk and Smart Troll. I've heard blow back on the sub-trolls gets pretty bad when you go deep. Calumet Marine has the best price on the Fish Hawk X4D. Great service too. The Smart Troll doesn't have the speed working yet, but it tells you the depth of your lure. The probes are $175 and can be run at the rigger or on your line. So if you know a certain amount of Cu runs 50 ft deep at 2.5 mph and your probe says you're at 40 ft, you know you are running a little faster that 2.5 mph. If your lure is at 60 ft, you're running a little slow. Darrell from Smart Troll says he hopes the speed issue will be worked out mid-summer but probes purchased now will be good for reporting speed once the issue is worked out. Also, the website mentions interference is caused when trolling above 800 rpm. Darrell said that issue has been resolved.
  10. $45 obo Walker DTS-2000 Duo Temp Sense $45 obo Datamarine LX40 Speedometer $55 obo 36x14x12 Stainless Steel Electronics Locker $75 obo Lowrance Global Map 2000 GPS
  11. I'll just second what Mike said. This spring we've been fishing with 4 boards on a side and dive bombs of different weight off each board. We've found them to be very easy to work with. As Mike stated, watch your speed. If the boat or your board are going too slow when setting the lines and you get to much line out, your bait and lure will sink right to the bottom. I learned that the hard way when we pulled in lines and a couple of lures had hooks full of mussels. Also be aware of your speed when making your turns. If you turn to sharp, your furthest inside board is barely moving. With a dive bomb on it, your bait it will sink like a rock.
  12. I'd actually like to sell all 3. I just listed them on ebay this afternoon. One is auction style starting at $30 and the other two are buy it now $75 each. Here are the links: http://www.ebay.com/itm/281349019847?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 http://www.ebay.com/itm/281348891079?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 The last one that sold on ebay went for $100.
  13. I've got a working display unit and three probes. I believe the probes work because when I put in a battery a red light turns on. I have everything but the receiver that goes on the bottom of the boat. I'm looking to either buy a receiver (looks like a transducer) or sell what I have a purchase something new.
  14. Do you still have it? I have the Fishhawk 800 display, 3 probes but no receiver/transducer.
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