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Everything posted by Kara_B_N

  1. Thanks, was a good feeling when 5 of the 6 rods I had in the water caught fish. Only one that did not go was the other Board running another 5 color Lead core with a mixed veggie.
  2. Got a late start due to the weather, but ended up 5 for 6. 5 lb Laker on 5 color lead mixed veggies spoon in 100 FOW 6 lb Steelhead on DR Moonshine Happee Meal 35 Down on rigger 13 lb King on Wonder Bread Dipsy with a Wonder Bread J-Plug set on 1 1/2 70 line counter 10 lb King on Orange Dipsy with Carmel Dolphin spoon set on 1 1/2 60 line counter 12 lb King on DR 50 down with Moonshine Happee meal
  3. Went 3 for 3. 8 lb Steelhead on Moonshine Happee Meal, 47 down in 140 FOW 7 lb Lake Trout on Wonderbread J-Plug/Wonderbread Dipsy set on 1 1/2, 70 back 150 FOW 4 lb Lake Trout on Blue Crinkle Fly/Pearl Flasher/Orange Dipsy set on 1 1/2, 80 back 165 FOW
  4. Traded in a Starcraft Islander for a 2014 Robalo R222 with a 200 hp Yamaha. Handles the waves on Lake Michigan very well. Love the ride and layout of this boat. Fishes great. The Yamaha is very quiet and fuel efficient. Other than limited protection from the elements (I have a T-Top) I have not complaints. Positively love this boat.
  5. Lost Two Walker Deeper Divers Two LJ J-Plugs Three Moonshine Spoons Four Snubbers One Ten Color Lead Core Two Treble hooks due to failed Split rings Found One Churches Walleye board (been out there a while, faded and phone number un-readable) One down rigger release wrapped in seaweed on the beach after the big blow One orange barrel just under the surface in the scum line (how that got out there I will never know)
  6. Went 2 for 4 this morning. First one came at 7AM on a SWR 65 DWN in 110 FOW on a Moonshine Flounder Pounder. Second one on a Flounder Pounder 55 DWN in 100 FOW at 7:30AM. Marked lots of fish but the bite was not on.
  7. Done it.
  8. Sorry I'm late with a reply. They were hitting everything. Spoons (anything green, Flounder Pounder), Wonder bread J plug, and Flies anything (Blue and Green). Hope you did well and stayed out of the net.
  9. barely, with a single small 6in X 18in buoy. BTW Fishing was great last week in the 130 to 150 range. We would locate the bait balls and do large circles in and around them and picked up nice mixed bags of Lakers, Kings and Steel from 90 down al the way up to 40 down. Full core was the best producer. Fish were full of alewives and the females full of eggs. Good Luck.
  10. Net in 100 FOW straight out and slightly north of the White Lake channel. Net was being set on 09-07-12 around 11 AM.
  11. Great video. Like the rods rippin in the inserts.
  12. www.catchmorefish.com I believe is the website for Wolverine Tackle who make Silver Streak spoons. I did the same thing. I have a note book with color charts from all the major spoon manufacturers so when I hear on the radio of a "hot" color that I can at least throw out something close in color if I don't have the exact spoon in my tackle box.
  13. You could try Angling Outpost in Whitehall. PH# 231-766-0589
  14. You will need the Ramp permit to use the fish cleaning station. The launch area is regularly patrolled and checked for permits. Annual permits are $50 and can be purchased at Montague City Hall or Johnson's bait shop (it's on the way to the Launch Ramp/ Cleaning Station.
  15. When you come out of the channel to the north you will see a couple of dunes on the shore line known as the "Dolly's". Streight out from the northern most dune in 65 feet of water there is a shipwreck. This ship wreck is a popular site for diving and it may be too early for it to be marked with a bouy. This shipwreck also catches rouge commercial nets that have broken free. Other than that there is not much structure. The channel depth is about 8 feet at the Lake Michigan end and about 17 feet at the White Lake end.
  16. Moonshine Happee Meal Moonshine Do-D-K Silver Streak Blue Dolphin Moonshine Half a Meal Silver Streak Black Raspberry Flintstones Jamaica Sunrise Not necessarily in that order, but at least one of those are down on every troll.
  17. A little to the north of the pier head,straight out from the first dune in 65 FOW is a ship wreck. Some times it is marked with a bouy and some times it is not. I found it the first year I fished out of White Lake, it was not marked and one of my riggers got caught on a rouge net that was tangled around the shipwreck. Lost a cannon ball and two spoons that day. It does occasionally hold fish. If I fish around it now, I only use dipsies and lead, no riggers. Also Northwest of the pier in 100 to 130 FOW always produced for me.
  18. If you go to www.walleye101.com this is Lance Valentine's web site. He has schedules listed for his seminars and I think you can order his DVD's. I have been to his seminars and bought the DVD's. Very informative
  19. Both lakes are good. Burt Lake Walleye - Fish the area just out from the entrance to the Indian River. Perch - Maple Bay Mullet Lake Walleye _ Fish the area known as the flats (north end by the Cheboygon River) in 19 - 20 fow.
  20. Tell your Mom we need more good teachers like her. Nice way to get kids involved in the outdoors.
  21. Same as Supertramp, VHF Radio then GPS
  22. You must have caught some 4 year old fish in the fall. Their skin starts to turn dark and the meat gets mushy during their spawning run then they die. Earlier in the season and 2 - 3 year old fish are more silvery in color and have much firmer flesh.
  23. I just say to who ever is on board "you want to grab that rod there a fish on". I prefer having the guests on board reel in the fish. I get satifaction on finding the fish, picking the days presentation and setting the rods. Thats what I call fishing, the rest is just reeling them in.
  24. Ditto the feeling.
  25. You've got my vote. Best of luck to you both.
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