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Everything posted by Copilottruman

  1. Started the day off in 60fow with marks on the bottom but no takers. Worked our way out to 125 and that's where it came alive. Consistent hits and marks between 125 to 150. 0/1 DR down 60 purple SS 0/2 3 color Steelie stomper SS 1/2 2 color Steelie Dan SS All hits were on a south troll 2.7 sog. Just couldn't seem to keep them buttoned up today. Also had a ton of marks on the bottom and threw everything except the rod at them and couldn't get them to bite. All in all the weather made our last trip of the season a great one.
  2. Any tips to keeping the shakers off?
  3. Fished last night as well. 6-7. All around 30fow with small spoons. Unfortunately the only nice fish we hooked up with spit the hook. The rest were all shaker kings. Couldn't keep them off our lines.
  4. I am looking to purchase a pair of rod holders that can withstand a dipsy diver (trying not to spend a fortune). Also I am looking for a pair of walleye boards that can be used for lead core. Finally I am looking for a pair of red coho Dodgers. I am a college student in the Kalamazoo area getting into fishing and I am willing to drive a little depending on what you have.
  5. Okay thanks for the help guys. I plan on running just short of the point and then zig zagging north between 40-80. Maybe even bounce the bottom for some lakers.
  6. I will be fishing northeast michigan for the first time on Sunday. Should be great weather. Dnr report says salmon are in close, but specifics would be greatly appreciated.
  7. After powering in (wot) after a recent fishing trip when I put my boat into neutral it revved up much higher than normal. When I tried to put it back into gear is clunked quite hard so we trailered it. After some investigation we realized the spark advance lever was not completely seized but very hard to move back in fourth once we disconnected it from the rest of the throttle arm. I was thinking of spraying some carb cleaner and Teflon spray under the fly wheel to try and help but I would rather hear someone else's opinion first. I'm pointing to the lever that is stiff.
  8. Fished holland from 0600-1130. Dropped in 100 fow and worked SW till we hit 137, and that's where all the action was. 1/1 250 copper with BLL glow meal time. King 2/2 300 copper with BLL hog wild. King 3/3 DW SS orange gangster Free slider on a rigger set at 70. Steelhead 4/4 300 copper BLL hog wild. Laker It got a tad choppy by the afternoon but a nice day on the lake none the less.
  9. The USS Craigslist will be present to wash lures
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