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  1. Mike, me and Meredith had a great time out. Great weather, caught some fish and good company. Learned some things about trolling that I didn't know before. The lead core line system was very cool. So how does the summer shape up for fishing up there? Does it taper off or just have to move to deeper water or move further north? Thanks again!!!!! Richard
  2. Anybody have any reports on walleye in or around the St.Joe river?
  3. That's awesome! Thank you. Frankie's Dinner sounds good.
  4. Hey guys been reading this web site for weeks now. What a great web site for fishing!!! I usually go way up north to the boundary waters above superior but my trip got canceled this year. I've decided to bring my girlfriend with up to St.Joseph and try our luck with steelhead, salmon and possibly walleye from May 9-11. Just looking for info on where someone could fish from the bank and have some success. Piers or rivers? I'll drive. Also while asking, a top notch bait store and breakfast spot that you all like. Any help is appreciated, I've been struggling with figuring this trip out. Richard
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