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Get The Net

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    Hilton NY
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    Charter Captain

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  1. Looking for a Cannon Speed N Temp sensor only. Not the intellitroll probe. Please reach out to me via text. 585-303-9573. Thx lou
  2. I am looking for a Cannon Speed n Temp Sensor only. If anyone has one please send me a text 585-303-9573.
  3. Yes Speed, temperature, true depth and light at the rigger ball/Lure.
  4. Ted Thank you. Is the unit in good working order? Any issues? If its easier to communicate over he phone my numer is 585-303-9573. What is yours. Thank you Lou
  5. I am looking for a Cannon Speed N Temp( Sensor Only) This is the Legacy product, not the Intelli Troll. Please contact me if you know anyone that might have one fore sale. Thanks
  6. For those who have friends or clients that do not want to touch the fish they catch (for pics, etc) I have available the "Fish Lipper" Made of anodized aluminum, they will not rust or corrode. 7.00 each. You can also have your boat/business name engraved on them for 2.00 each extra. I accept paypal and can ship. Feel free to PM or e mail me captainlou@gtnfishing.com Thank you.
  7. The fishing on the shoreline near Sandy Creek( Hamlin, NY) continues to be amazing. This weekend was not exception. Friday am we boated browns, coho and a couple of teen kings. Saturday afternoon was no different. Worked 5-10 ft west of the creek. Warrior Lures Confusion and Wicked Witch were our MVP's. DW SS's also took our share of fish. Lou
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