There are a lot of little factors that have to mesh just right for a successful 1st. trip. A well organized crew that knows what needs to be done at the launch, two engines that need to perform as designed, fishable water, the fish, and a smooth retrieval. Finally after two failed attempts to launch, “Eleanor†made me proud. Now if the fish would have been a little more willing to cooperate. Wasn’t a SKUNK. We did manage to net a couple of South Haven Specials just north of the piers in 40fow. Both came on DR’s 35 & 40 ft down on a DW green dolphin, 8# and a blue dolphin, 4#. With 6 boards out, not even a tickle on Thin Fins, Rapalas or a stop and go rig. Did manage to mark two pods of Yellow-bellies in 57fow but that was it. But there is always a next time. Martin