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Everything posted by Martin1950

  1. His dad had to prod him to get up and go out with us that early in the AM. But now he's chomping at the bit to go again. Just wish we had anchored one of those two jumping Steelies that hit that mixed veggie on that CU board.
  2. Yeah, that burn-off on the diver was totally my fault. The diver was set on 2 and that Cu board was a little too close to the boat so the diver was more than likely under the CU. The F/F combo I had out was the same one I was using this spring, pictured in one of my earlier posts. Since I tie all of my own trolling leaders I bought a large bunch of un-rigged flies from a gentleman in New York State, A-TOM-MIK. Nothing against any fly tiers here in MI. but just thought I'd try something different. Martin
  3. We cleared the Black River at 0545hrs. Taking stock of what the weather guesser forecast was we headed N/W and dropped in at 70fow, so much for that bright idea. I went with Cory driving while his 13 year old son, Tristan, helped with the 4-CU lines while I did the 2 DR’s and 2 wire super sliders. The young man did a fine job just like an older pro considering it was his first trip on the Big Lake chasing salmonoids. Even though we went 3 for 9, all being greasers, we had a great time and introduced Cory’s son to the thrill of the fight with his 1st fish, a Laker. Best water was 85-115fow, E&W @ 2.5sog. The fish were scattered all over the water column, even caught a greaser on a 200x30 Cu. over 115fow. The only downer of the morning was when a fish smashed my wire super slider with a Mountain Dew SD/meat rig, tangled with my 250x45 Cu and kept going, claiming the entire set up on the diver as his prize, minus 2’ of 50# braid below the Spro swivel. The 2 busiest set-up were a Mixed Veggie on the 200x30 CU, 1-3, and my large crush glow Pro Troll and a Tomix fly off the DR’s down 65’, 2-4. To all you weekend fishermen, good luck!!!! Martin
  4. Thanks for the report AND the fish porn.
  5. Kev, Thanks for that great report and that's why I don't fish on week-end. Martin
  6. Thank you for the report, finding Kings is getting harder by the day. Martin
  7. I've been using horse spray for years, The only drawback is I catch myself eating grass on occasion. Martin
  8. Launched before dawn, powered to 65’ and trolled to 150’ and back. Had a great 4hr BOAT RIDE! Laid out 9-rod spread, 4 assorted long Cu., 2 DR’s with free sliders, 2 wire super sliders and a shute line w/ ART-29. Washed a wide variety of spoons, F/F’s and meat rigs. Not a single touch. Marked only one bottom hugger on the way out and the same on the return in. Cussed at the “cotton” and at a swivel that failed on the slider leader w/ an 8” Spin Doctor, what a mess. Oh well, it happens! Martin
  9. Thanks for the report. As soon as the.......dredge is gone, we may try the Joe once or twice. Martin
  10. Thanks for your report. Martin
  11. " I haven't had much luck freezing alewives that have been brined -- they turn to mush after about 15 minutes trolling time. Do you re-brine them after thawing or have you not seen the 'mush' problem? " Brad, , No I have not had a "muss" problem. I'm rather liberal with the borax and canning salt, well water and I'm rather anal when it come to keeping everything COLD even when I'm fishing. One thing, I live in the country so I'm on a well. And just like curing salmon eggs, you NEVER want to use city water. I see you're up in Tulip Town. If ya are ever down by St. Joe/Benton Harbor or even South Haven, give me a shout and I'll spot ya a few of mine. I'll send ya a private message.
  12. Brad Here ya go partner, sorry for that bad link. This is the one that I use for 2 weeks preferred or less on whole Alewives and my A/B fillets. Give this one a try; Martin
  13. Congrats Dan, A few more good reports out of S.J. and I might have to endure that two mile idle from the launch. Martin
  14. Tom, it takes a big man to admit to that WTF moment. I've come close with the top of the rod tree more than once. Martin
  15. One little shaker is still better than the KITTY. I know ya'll have better luck next time. Martin
  16. And they make the best fishie porn!!!
  17. Thanks for the report and for stepping up to help a Veteran. Being one my self from the 60's and 70's, I know how much it is appreciated. Martin
  18. There are still a few silver and chrome fish around in close. Finally got both of my fishing partner together for a great morning on the pond. Powered to 65fow and laid out an 8 rod spread and our “409” shute line w/ a fire tiger crank bait. A wide assortment of spoons, sliders, F/F and meat. After about a 2hr boat ride it turned into a fishing trip. The 1st King was boxed 90fow on a double orange crush free slider. An hour later we box a King on a DR down 60ft in 112fow after he rapped up a braided dive. We got lucky. Shortly after the last turn at 150fow we boxed a HOT 9# Steely on a 250x45 CU w/ a NBK and we puttered toward the river. At 120fow the 200x45 CU w/ a mixed veggie fired resulting in our 3rd King of the morning. Had a little tickle of a mag diver on 1&1/2 out 150’ but no fish. As the morning wore on the lake went so flat you could see the wakes from the boards. Trolled E & W, cross current at 2.5sog. Not a touch on meat or any of the F/F’s I tried. We never marked any bait but all 4 fish were packed solid with Ales. And what fish we did mark were hugging the bottom. NO GREASE IN OUR BOAT TODAY !!!!!!!!!!! Martin
  19. What, no grease for the flooring?? No fishie porn?? I'd take that day in a heart-beat. Good report Tom.
  20. I knew there were one or two points I forgot. The reason I dry brine them at the pier is to set the scales and "slime". If I have a couple of 6''ers when I get home I'll fillet my A and B sides and then brine them. Ales aren't as tough or re-useable as a herring. I like to brine them for 2 weeks and a whole Ale will last up to 4hrs with good color and scale retention. Guess I'll have to try to fillet one or two tomorrow while I'm fishing. Martin
  21. Sorry Ole Friend, ain't been to the "Joe" since the 1st part of April. We haven't marked any bait balls out of South Haven yet, but it's only a matter of time. Martin
  22. When I got into meat dragging several years ago it didn’t take too long to realize that trolling w/ herring was going to be a bit on the expensive side since I fish off my meager retirement and my Social Security Insurance. I started with some old frozen Ales that I had salt/soaked in the freezer for cut-bait. I “re-brined” them using the method I’d seen in a video. Living in S/W Michigan I’m lucky to live within 20 miles of 2 river systems so during the June/July Skam run I’d go to the pier to soak a few shrimp with some old friends. I’d take a couple of 2-gallon zip bags with 3 cups of borax and 3 cups of canning salt in each bag and a sabiki rig or cast net and while I had a bobber rig in the water I would jig-up/net Ales until I had about 2 dozen in a 5gallon bucket. Then I’d drain the water and put the Ales (still flopping) in the bag and mix them around and then put the bag in the cooler and then repeat the same process. When I’d get home I’d sort them for size and finish the process. But if I’m going to fillet some for sushi-flies or cut-bait heads I’ll basically use this idea; http://www.michigansportsman.com/Tips_n_Trix/Cut_Bait.htm Caution!! Some wives don’t take too kindly to a bunch of bait jars in the frig for the summer. I did that maybe 3 or 4 times over the summer Skam season and had more than enough bait for the trolling season plus a lot of extras to get started this year in the freezer. When I get too many jars in the frig I’ll take and drain them and place the “Ales” on sheet pans and flash freeze them. I’ll place 4 fish in those small snack bags and when I’m all done I’ll put those snack bags in labeled by color in freezer bags. Quick, simple and CHEAP. Now there is nothing wrong w/ commercial brines and they work faster but I have a lot of time on my hands. If ya go to a pier to do this, DO NOT use a wire basket to hold your fish as it tends to rub the scales off the fish, you want that sparkle from the scales. And it is better to salt bag them at the pier because by the time you get home with a bucket full of dead ales they will start to “slime” and you’ll lose that natural scent. But that’s just my take on it and it works for me. Martin
  23. Living on a rather meager retirement and Social Security Insurance. fishing with Herring was getting to be expensive so I learned to catch/brine/scent and color my own "Ale's". But NOT to high-jack this thread, I'll start a new thread somewhere else on the board. Martin
  24. Yep, Mother Nature can be a cruel mistress sometimes and we have to respect those little flaws in her creator. Thanks for the pic's and report. We're putting to band back together for a Friday AM outing. Breaking out the Meat. Martin
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