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About familytradition

  • Birthday 06/02/1979

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  • Real Name
  • Biography
    Always looking forward to getting out on the water!
  • Location
    Deckerville, MI
  • Interests
    Fishing and Hunting
  • Occupation
    Nursing assistant/College student

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  1. Sounds to be tapeworms, DNR has reported an increase in infections. Here's a few posts and picture on it. Talks about cooking the meat thoroughly and if safe to eat. https://www.michigan.gov/documents/dnr/tapeworm-walleye_231757_7.pdf; https://www.michigan-sportsman.com/forum/threads/walleye-with-worms-pictures.288231/
  2. Incredible catch!! Miss fishing with you! Hope all is well! Drop a line if you guys ever return
  3. Those are great fish Mike, keep bringing em in
  4. Looking for a 14'-16' aluminum fishing boat preferably with live-well(s), tiller motor, or with no steering wheel column. If pictures are available it would help. If you have or know someone that has one please message me here.
  5. Nice fish Roger! Well done. Tell the little lady Hi for me
  6. Nice boat and lots of deck room! Congrats.
  7. Thanks Matt for having me on the boat. Could not have asked for better weather. It was a great time and I learned alot. :thumb:I will get to the rods a little faster next time!
  8. Good job! :thumb:Congrats on a good day of fishing.
  9. Nice fish Teresa! Congrats on the nice day of fishing guys.
  10. Nice catch guys! Looks like you got some really nice fish. Congrats on the good trip.
  11. Nice job Hunter, wish I would have had a skip day like that. Congrats on the great day of fishing GLF and crew
  12. Lmao, thanks for that story Mike. I needed that laugh. But you also made me rethink about trying to launch a boat with my stickshift truck. I can only hope that I will never be in need of a tow truck at the launch. Good luck fishing and keep your head above water.
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