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Everything posted by fishoak

  1. Solo trip. Started in 80 with the colder water. Was not marking anything, worked out to 120, only marking fish on the very bottom between 80 and 120. At the time, water was 54' around 30 feet, and was in the upper 40's once hitting about 60'. In 120-130 (south), marked a good number of fish in 60' to 80' range. In this water, took an 8# king, a5#l laker, and had a few other hits (but nobody home) - all on white spin doctors or paddles both with blue flies - all hits were 65 to 70 down on the riggers in that cold water. Was also rotating my 3rd rod as a 3 color, 5 color or 7 color - but had no hits up higher.
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  2. All on riggers around the 50 degree temp break. One hit on braid diver that I lost shortly after the hit. No hits on the sliders today.
  3. Lucky solo trip this morning, Ended 5 for 8. Fish west and south west. 4# steely (released), 16 and 23 lb King all on white with black dots ace high plugs early in the morning. 11# coho on green spin Doctor Green fly. 7# coho on nbk spoon. Lost a big king on moo moo meat rig, and had a couple of other quick lost fish. Worked a lot of water from 80 to 160, bites were spread out.
  4. It has just dawned on me, that now I need to go buy a Yellow Submarine so I can complete this set and further my confusion on the water.
  5. TyeeII - So, I had to flash and take a picture to solve this mystery (attached). I had thought I had two of the same spoons, yet it seems I actually have one "Moonshine", and one "Blue Jackal". The good news is, both took hits today. : ) Thanks.
  6. Hope your boat repair is fast and reasonable. Thanks for the report.
  7. Hosted outing with member Littleboat today. Left dock 6am, fished till 11:30. Fished SW in 180-240. 4# Steel and #8 Steel on Mag moonshine pictured below, and lost one other on this same pattern, 40 and 45 down. 10# Steel and 7# King on green spindoctor / green fly on braid dipsey 80 back. All hits in ~200-210.
  8. 8/2 PM: 1 for 1 Fished solo ~6:30-9:00pm 24.5# King in 140’ FOW South, 46 down–on white spin doctor with blue fly ======================================================================= 8/3 AM: Ed ‘Littleboat’ joined me this morning. 3 for 5 Left dock at 5:30, fished until ~noon. Started North in 110, worked back and forth out to 165 & back to 100, staying north to be away from Holland tournament. Caught ~5# Laker fairly early and soon lost another off same spin doctor that caught the king in the evening, but with green fly, both hits 40 down. Then had a long lull period with little to show until about 11am, when suddenly 3 hits in quick succession in 100-110’. - Steelhead (lost) on 5 color with std NBK spoon. Gave a nice show though. - 8.5# Steelhead on DR, 45 down on mag double orange crush - 6.5# Coho on Dispey 102 back on 2 – white spindoctor NBK colors fly. Lots of boats out today, water was glassy flat.
  9. The Laker looks like a tennis racket. I've not been out for a couple weeks, was hoping the flip might bring good news. Thanks for the reports.
  10. Thanks for inviting me on the trip - very nice boat and setup. I learned a lot of ideas to try out on my boat.
  11. Zach, I was in a green Lund, solo. Nice size king! I did have meat out on a dipsey, no hits on that for me... I think you are right on the coho, the ones I had were small, like 15".
  12. I fished PS also this morning. 90-130', a bit south. I started at 5:00am. 3:3 Two small coho between 6am-6:30am on riggers ~45 down. Blue dolphin - mag, green dolphin - std. Not big enough to net, released both of these. One 14# king in 110' about 7am, 80' down on rigger same std size green dolphin. No other hits, flies got bad earlier today, very active by 9am. I pulled rods at 10am. I did see a guy near me with a fish on ~115, just after I put away the last rod to head in. Water fleas were also bad today...had to pause to clean the line to be able to get the king in. When it gets bad like that I usually start rotating lines in/out about every 30 minutes to try to keep them clean enough not to hang up on fish, but had not noticed they were active this am until too late.
  13. Storm looked a little scary at start, so waited til 7:15 to leave port...Storm was still active at gh, but just cleared PS. Fished in 110 to 130, mostly south. Ended 4 for 5. 4 Kings all about 7#, lost a Laker. 1 on STD blue dolphin 40 rigger, 1 on STD green dolphin 70 rigger, 2 on meat rig dipsey back 200 on#2. Laker was on a mag blue dolphin rigger at 45. Flies were miserable starting around 10am.
  14. Nice trip. Thanks for the log pickup.
  15. I replaced much older Lowrance LCX series finders with Humminbird two Helix 10s, mega side imaging + down imaging (mine are G2N). The side imaging and down imaging don't come into play much for me for lake michigan salmon trolling. They are very helpful though for perch or other species, eg if fishing also a drowned river mouth lake attached to the big lake.
  16. Fished 6am-11am in waters 90-145 both north and south. No hits. Marked just a few bait balls both near bottom 30' and also in top 40'. Marked a few fish, but not too many - mostly in the 110-120 range.
  17. Two other things I do when using a slider. 1. I put a small bead on the main line so that when slider comes down it bumps on the bead. I had an issue with the swivel on the slider overlapping the swivel at the bait and causing it to open up. This solved for me. 2. Instead of just letting the slider be free, I use a small rubber band to fix it to a point on the mainline. Like, if I want it 10 feet above the ball, when I set the main line, I lower the ball 10 feet, then attach a rubber band to the mainline and clip the swivel onto both the mainline and the rubber band. Now, you know the depth and its repeatable no matter the lure type.
  18. Tried the same area off Holland this morning Sunday 6/9 ~7:00am-10:30. Did not mark many fish today and had no hits. Did have plenty of rain!
  19. Solo trip fished 6-11:30 Fished 90-130. 3 for 3, 3# king, 14# king, and 22# king. All on DR, 70, 70, and 80 down. All on mag blue dolphins. Was able to release the 3# unharmed for another day. Had 1 other hit on a dipsey 110' back with std yager bomb. 22# was full of bait, and there was tons of bait close to the harbor. Quickly caught ~20 magnum sized ale's for future use with meat rigs.
  20. Added 6/2 AM: 2 for 2 today....7:00am-11:00am 8# King in 110, 35' down on Mag Blue dolphin; 10# Laker in 65', 45' down on Mag Stinger Yager Bomb. Both ~2.6SOG, with the waves. Laker had a Magnum sized Ale in stomach, King was empty Marked some bait balls in top 30' near the Buoy, but marked very few fish today, marked a lot more on Saturday. ========= 6/1 AM: Fished 7:00-10:30 till the thunderstorms rolled in. Had 2 hits on mag stinger yager bomb, 40 down on rigger, and 2 other hits on same spoon in a mixed veggies pattern - 55 and 45 down. Of these, only landed a 6# king. Not sure why hook up ratio is so low, hooks are very good. Maybe smaller fish slashing at it. All in 65-70 FOW, all on South troll into the waves.
  21. Good to meet you littleboat. . I worked similar water (110 to 160) yesterday ending with a 16# king that came on a Stinger mixed veggies 55' down. Lost two other fish, and had several 'nobody home' rod pops. . Went out of PS again this morning 5/27 with PennStater - real nice guy. The lake was completely flat 6:30-11:30 and sunny - the fish were missing in waters 90-160. We only managed one 8# laker on a mag flounder pounder 65' down in ~130. Our only other hit was on a 5 color with a mag blue dophin that did not stick. One the way in we came upon a 10' section of dock floating down the channel. It must have broke free with the high water. We were able to get it back to the launch and out of the water - could have been a real surprise for someone if at speed.
  22. Updated 5/12, orig post was actually for Sat 5/11. . On Sun 5/12am, worked shoreline & a bit around the Bubbler. One Brown (29", looked about 8#, quickly released without weighing) - South about 1 mile, on rigger 7' down, 100 back, in 14' - Stinger mixed veggies. No other hits.
  23. Started@6:30 in 60, zagged around north and out to 80, didn't mark anything. Zagged back to about 30, saw maybe 2 marks in about 55' low in the column. 10:30-12:30 switched to trying fishing shoreline from 10-20ft. No hits for the day. Surface temps 42-44 both in close and out deeper.
  24. Thanks for all the feedback and comments to this thread. We did receive feedback from the DNR that they are not opposed to making a change regarding Rod Limits for Great Lakes Trolling; however, the DNR is not currently allowed under Michigan Sate law to make a change like this. In order to allow the DNR to have the ability to adjust the regulations, we would need one of our state legislators to introduce a proposal to the State House Committee on Natural Resources to update section 324.48703 of Part 487 of the NREPA statute. This may not be as complex as it sounds – that statute has been updated several times in the past. I have collated a lot of the comments and ideas around this proposal and emailed a request on Feb 17 2019 to our members of the State Legislature who represent the areas having the most heavily used Ports on Lake Michigan (listed below) asking if one of them would consider bringing it forward to the Natural Resources committee. Unfortunately, none have thus far replied to the mail. I will be re-sending the email again in the near future. If anyone would like to be on copy to that email, please send me a –Private Message- with your email address, and I will include you. Thank you. =============================================================================================== Proposal was sent to the following Michigan State House Representatives: Jim Lilly, Terry Sabo, Jack O’Malley, Scott VanSingel, Mary Whiteford, Beth Griffin, Pauline Wendzel, and Triston Cole CC to Gary Howell (Chair of State House Committee on Natural Resources) The following is an example of how 324.48703 could be amended in a fairly straightforward way to provide the DNR the ability to set rod limit regulations as they determine are appropriate, including being able to set rod limits differently for Great Lakes trolling vs Inland fishing. CURRENT TEXT: “A person shall not use more than 3 single lines or 3 single rods and lines, or a single line and a single rod and line, and shall not attach more than 6 hooks on all lines. The department shall have the authority to decrease the number of rods per angler. However, the department shall not reduce the number of rods per angler to less than 2.” EXAMPLE REVISED TEXT: "The department shall have the authority to regulate the number of rods and lines used per angler, as well as the number of hooks that may be attached to each line. However, the department shall not reduce the number of rods per angler to less than 2."
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