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Capt. Mike

Charter Captain
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Everything posted by Capt. Mike

  1. Its hell gettin old isn't it Frank. Miss all your reports. I tried the other side of the bay this year. Ralph and I hit the right spot.
  2. Had a great time with you Frank aboard Priority1. You guys sure do have a great walleye fishery up there. Wish I lived closer.
  3. Dan, Brenda told me that they felt the charter capt.'s with all the licensing we go thru, were already licensed to "lease" state lands. But river guides still need to abide.
  4. Did she say why they dropped it?
  5. Call Brenda at 231-597-0472 for more info.
  6. So how did it go Dan? Easy in and out?
  7. I agree on the crock part. Most cop shops are now digital, I see no reason to go there. I hope it changes by the time I need to renew (2010)
  8. I'm not really superstitious, but I don't fill the livewell until the first fish is to be placed in it.
  9. Muskies are always hitting. Are you going Canadian or US part of the lake?
  10. The whole thing is stupid. Law abiding citezens will call in, but do you think ones (boats) carrying illegals are gonna call in to get inspected.
  11. Or tap them from side to side until they loosen.
  12. Seen them many times. Mostly attached to sturgeon or muskys. Also have seen them being burped up from walleyes in the SCR. Good food source for them.
  13. I told my SIL the "I don't take refunds". With a straight face. The best man and ushers just cracked up. Nobody else in the church heard.
  14. Your getting fat Dan!!!!!! Time to hit the treadmill.
  15. Will be at Lk. Leelanau and have a charter from Leland planned for July 15 with capt jim Munoz. Hows the salmon fishing been up there?
  16. I caught one opening day, 43" 16lb. Near New Baltimore.
  17. Algonac has a nice boardwalk to fish from. Some shore fishing from metro beach park also.
  18. They are hitting hot and heavy out in the lake from Metro south. Many limits taken.
  19. Many limits are being taken again this year on the SCR system. Jigging or bottom bouncing are the preferred methods by most. Handliners and whippers are also taking limits.
  20. You probably fished the North Channel of the SCR. The lake at its deepest point is only 22ft. There is a 85 ft hole in the North Channel tho. I do run sturgeon charters in the SCR. Average fish I would say is about 45"+ with 50-60" fairly common. I saw one next to the boat while jigging for walleye that was every bit 75".
  21. I just did one on Feb 9th. Ice fishing that is. I start April 1, on the Detroit river.
  22. I e-mailed Doug 2 weeks ago and asked if they were having again this year. Yes they are so he didn't call me either.
  23. Are you gonna be at BPS next weekend?
  24. Dan, you following me around again.
  25. I too charter part-time for now. I do have my own website. I was wondering where to best put my advertising dollars this winter and next spring. We do have a couple of outdoor publications here in Michigan I may look into. Of course there is the local yellow pages. Was wondering about those packet of coupons you get in the mail, if those would be effective in and around the local area? Or even flyers attached to small local newspapers. Anyone got any ideas.
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