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dan agnello

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Everything posted by dan agnello

  1. Thanks for great report. The low hookup rate was probably due to coho hits; they usually hit very light and this year especially. Didn’t see any meat rigs in your report. Last trip 18 n 16 lb kings were on meat on dipseys. Next trip in addition to 2 dipseys going to add meat to 1 rigger. Hood Outdoor s has meat strips. Was supposed to fish today but crew was too busy to take off work to fish.
  2. Ill change the meat rigs up a little. Like last week in Holland my friend from Middleville wanted to run Keven’s Girlfriend flasher n meat rig which we ran and got a nice king on. I usually run Kev Grlfd with pickle sunshine fly like a lot of guys do. Besides CJKings Ghostbuster and Gr Glo Frog meat rigs/flasher I also usually run his Smurf SUV meat rig/flasher. All 3 do well for me. Next Wednesday here in Soha besides meat on the 2 dipseys going to run Smurf meat rig on Port side SW rigger.’ Both dipseys w/meat got the big kings Wednesday. SW is 1C lead core between rigger braided line and mono leader. I’m running little pool between it n reg rigger line w/o SW. So far SW has done better than reg; idea is 1c will drop the bait below the ball a little.
  3. Ill be fishing in Frankfort mid August like I do every year.
  4. Went 8 for 8, 5 kings, 2 coho n 1 laker all in 160’ just little north of piers. 1 small king, laker n coho on red pepper DW SS spoon on 150’ copper. 18-2 n 16-2 kings on dipseys on 3 out 160’, 1 on Capt John. king Ghostbusters and Gr Glo Frog flashers n neat rigs. 8-2 king on 300’ copper on mag gr/bl/wh mag spoon. Small coho n king on 200 n 225’ copper on mag rv fldr pdr No fish on either rigger. 2-3s out of nw buiktbup to 2-4s for a while until it cane diwn to 1-2s as predicted. North n south trolls took fish ascwell as 1 west turn. Usual 2.2-3.2 SOG. Cloudy most of day but sun out after 1.
  5. Thks for report; hdg out Wednesday.
  6. Yep; my Honda pushes The Reel Woman around 28mph so about 1/2 hr run.
  7. Thks. That came up when I Googled it, but wasn’t much info on the launch. Thanks again.
  8. Am debating on whether to run up the lake from here, 15 miles, or launch there.
  9. Thks. That came up when I Googled it, but wasn’t much info on the launch. Thanks again.
  10. Thks. That came up when I Googled it, but wasn’t much info on the launch. I just looked it up and that’s the one on west side of 196 that I pass all the time. Must not be no wake until you get into town; otherwise would take a long time to get to Big Blue from there. Thanks again.
  11. Any good boat launches in Saugatuck for 21’ boat? Never launched there. Thks.
  12. But, wouldn’t you prefer decent seas as predicted and a little drier lawn? My Grady can take it and we can fish it, but when it gets to 3-5s time to soon pull lines. It really beats you up.
  13. 3 for 3; 13.3 and 10.75lb king n 1.75lb Coho. 1st king around 10:30 trolling south, downhill in 131 fow by condos south of the piers on Kevin’s girlfriend flasher and matching gr meat rig on big dipsey set on 1 out 131’, aka around 60’ down; around 1:30 other king on 225’ copper on mag blue jeans uv spoon in 121’; I had just started west turn n hit. Windfinder, iwindsurh, noaa marine all lied. Supposed to be 1’ building to 1-2s, started at 1-3s n build to 3-5s with a few 6s around 4:30. Lost a long time of late morning fishing because the king on my dipsey also tangled our 200 n 300copper. But, always a great day on Big Blue.. Reply Go
  14. 1 for 3 on Coho, On 5 1/2C on red pepper SS DW spoon in 177’ few miles north of pier; had one on in 124’ on rigger down 33’, got off 20’ from boat; and another hit but didn’t hook up in 147’ on dipsey out 101’ (33 down). 1-3s built up to 2-3s and quite a few white caps when we pulled lines at 2.
  15. Thanks for report. Our next trip is Tuesday. North, South or straight out.
  16. Just 1 for 1; 14.1lb king on jager bomb spoon on rigger SWR in 31’ of water trolling south into 1-2s just south of water plant; 25’ down and about 55’ back ( by time you pass mono leader, 1C and get to backing it’s 55’). Trolled about 4-5 mikes north in 35-55’ and no hits. Friend out earlier in mud and in 35’ ended up 5/6. Decided to then work south of pier where all our fish have been caught. And, it worked. Water temp in 35-55 was 48-49; in front of piers was 51. Trolling speed usual 2.2-3.0. 1-2s out of SE; wind 10-15 finally as predicted. Fished 10-2:30.
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  17. Second hand report but thought I would share. Was at Pier 1000 helping son put new floor covering in his boat. A crew in the tourney I talked to at Pier 1000 got like 5 or 6 Hos, same usual place - by chalets south; couple in 35-45’ n then moved out to 44-55’ and a few more. No kings. Charter, could have been Sea Hawk, was hanging fish on the hooks by pier 1000 fish cleaning and looked like limit of 20 Hos or so. But, only 1 king. It is surprising no kings; guess we are a few weeks behind due to very cold spring. Next trip here in SoHa for TRW will be Tuesday; Capt Dan has a strong gut feeling we’ll get into a few kings; there are a few here. Have fun n be safe.
  18. Thanks for the report. Good job. Surprised no kings. I drove over to the launch around 10:30 and there was a dozen trailers there as I expected on this nice day. Went over specifically to take pictures of the potholes in front of the docks and lack of garbage cans. The launch officially opened 4/15 with fish cleaning and indoor bathrooms open, but Marine Dept needs to repair the asphalt and get some garbage cans out there.
  19. Linnotech is sending an email to MTU’s software consultant to fix it.
  20. Yeah, what gives; link doesn’t work for any buoys. Ill call limno tech again.
  21. Got blown off lake; pulled lines 12:30. Noaa, windfinder, iwindsurf, etc all lied. 2-3s were actually 2-4s which would have been fine; instead of dropping down to 1-3s built up to 4-6s. NW wind instead of NE predicted. 1 coho couple miles south of pier in 35’on 2C on bk/wh alewife. 8 lines out, no other hits.
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